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New Cycle - feedback appreciated

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34 yrs old
Experienced AAS user maybe a dozen + cycles over the years
Former pro football player, still train football S&C style
6'2" 255 pounds

I am trying going with lower dosages this time around . . .probably a little more healthy (relatively speaking). I haven't used AAS in about a year. This is a basic 12 week cycle, I have found basic is better . . . just like in training.

Anyways, here it is:

Test P - 200mg EW for weeks 1&2, 300mg EW weeks 10-12
test e- 250 EW for weeks 1&2, 500mg EW for weeks 3-10
Eq - 200mg weeks 1-9
proviron - 50mg ED
HCG - 500 iu 2x per week, weeks 1-12

PCT = Aromosin and Trib for 4 weeks
Also have some nova on hand in case of gyno flair up, unlikely with these low doses though.

Injections are 2x per week . . . mix everything up in one pin along with some sterile oil to reduce soreness.

You might ask about the low dosage of eq (200mg EW) . . .I'm concerned with the eq's side of dramatically raising blood pressure, but I would like the positive effects it has on joint health and appetite. I'm hoping with that low dose it will help my joints and appetite without the BP elevation.

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Posts: 35

welcome bro!

about your cycle...

i would simplify even further...

Prop @ 100mg EOD weeks 1-4

Enanth @ 500mg/wk weeks 1-12

ok, if you go with EQ bump to 400mg, and watch for bad sides....i just don't believe 200mg/wk of EQ will have much benefit at all.....i could be wrong!

you might wanna consider dropping EQ all together and using a low dose of's been proven to help with joint pain.

on the Proviron, i would either add Aromasin or Adex also, or just drop the Proviron, and stick with Aroma or Adex. This is important to keep estrogen in check throughout the cycle...

HCG, just as you have it...

PCT...starting at week 15

clomid 100mg/day for 4 weeks
aromasin 25mg/day for 6 weeks

i like the cycle b/c it doesn't involve many drugs, and your results should be great with your training background and a solid diet....keep us informed!

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Agree Test P 100mg EOD bro. and bump up the Eq.

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i just realized that i said, "welcome bro!".....seeing how you joined march '04, you need no welcome....but hope i was able to help!

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Thanks for the reply, guys.

The purpose of the prop early in the cycle is to just get things going until the test E kicks in . . .and then at the end while waiting for the test E to leave the system. I forgot to add that I'll also be doing 40-50mg of var during those last couple of weeks (10-12) while the Test E is leaving the system.

I haven't had too many estrogen related problems when using just proviron . . .rarely have I gone over 500mg of test in a week, so that may have something to do with it.

I've done Eq at 400mg a week and had some bad sides, blood pressure through the roof .. . even some light headedness with it, not fun. I'm not crazy about doing deca as I would have to add another drug to control progesteron gyno sides and the whole deca dick thing is really not cool. I'm hoping 200mg of Eq will have the desired effect . . .I really don't care about it giving any anabolic effects as the test will take care of that, just joint health and appetite.

I hate clomid, so I'm staying away from that for PCT . . .makes me really moody and anxious. Agreed on running the A-sin longer, out to 6 weeks. Hopefully A-sin stacked with trib will do the job.
