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New 2008 cycle

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Hey guys, looking into my new bulker for 2008. I have 3 under my belt so far and those were test-e, -Dbol. Will start new one in Feb. and wanting to step it up a bit. Cycle is looking like thisAll Axio gear)

D-bol-30mg ED/weeks1-4
Nolva-10mg ed /weeks1-14 (or would A-dex .5mg weeks 1-18ed be a better option?)
Mastaplex prop-200mg twice a week/weeks8-15

Nolva-40mg ed/weeks14-16
clomid-100mg ed/weeks16-18

should HCG be in there? If so, where and how much?
I've not gotten my gear yet, i want to be sure this is laid out right before i purchase something that will not benefit me any.

I'm 6', 185 lbs, BF% is around 10%,(not really sure about the bf). Looking to gain mass and lean out a bit at the end. My diet is in check: 4500 cals ed and 300/400gram protien, not including shakes.
Any help will help me out greatly.

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The cycle looks good, but you'll need to add HCG from day 1 - pct at 500ui 2x/wk. Also I would always choose an AI over Nolva. Nolva bind to you receptors disallowing estrogen to bind, but estrogen is still being made and running through your body increasing bloat, chances o gyno etc... With and AI the test never aromatises, so you'll stay sharp and lean through the cycle without any estro problems.

I personally found the axio d-bol a little weak so bumped it up to 40mg. buy enough so that you can do the same should you need to.

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the cycle looks good. like it was said above you shoul include HCG in your cycle 500ius every third day.

how come you have the masta plex prop at the end of the cycle? just curious

*Disclaimer*: "DoubleWide" is a fictitious character with the sole purpose to entertain & theorize on the use of Anabolic Steroids for intellectual discussion. Any information or advice given out, stated, or implied by "DoubleWIde" is for entertainment purposes only & should not be considered the advocation of any illegal activity.

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Cycle looks pretty good bro but i would run the test one week longer than the EQ due to Eq's longer half life. This will allow the half lives of both the test and EQ to run out at approx the same time and have you start your pct on the right footing.

Bump the others on the HCG. I just came off a 6 month run and without the HCG use throughout my cycle i would have been up sh*t creek during this pct. In addition i suggest you read Vision's pinned PCT suggestions, in the PCT forum.

Any opinions expressed by gustavo77 with regards to AAS or prescription drugs (non-narcotic, as narcotic discussion is prohibited on this site) are for role playing purposes only, as gustavo77 is a fictional internet personality. In addition, please do not PM me regarding any source, purchase or sale related to AAS or prescription drugs (narcotic and non-narcotic) as I have no knowledge of these issues and do not condone the use of any drugs unless prescribed by a physician.

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Posted by: DoubleWide
the cycle looks good. like it was said above you shoul include HCG in your cycle 500ius every third day.

how come youhave the masta plex prop at the end of the cycle? just curious

I'm wantimg to bring my androgen levels up a little more to get a little leaner toward the end of the cycle. I know it is'nt much mast P but since i've never used it i should respond to it pretty well. Or is my conception of mast and what it is used for off?

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Posted by: Jinx
I'm wantimg to bring my androgen levels up a little more to get a little leaner toward the end of the cycle. I know it is'nt much mast P but since i've never used it i should respond to it pretty well. Or is my conception of mast and what it is used for off?

i like the cycle up until the mast p....if you're wanting to lean out towards the end of the cycle, tweak your diet....another option that i believe might do better would be adding 4 weeks of winny at the end of your cycle, instead of the mast p.....the winny might not add anymore muscle, but if your diet is good, it will definitely keep you from losing muscle...

just my .02, sounds like you got your head right though...

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Posted by: Jinx
I'm wantimg to bring my androgen levels up a little more to get a little leaner toward the end of the cycle. I know it is'nt much mast P but since i've never used it i should respond to it pretty well. Or is my conception of mast and what it is used for off?

You lean up b/c of you DIET.Now if you're leaner than the masteron's results will be easier seen but it will NOT make you leaner.AAS is not designed to make someone leaner, thats your DIET.400mg EW of Mast EW will def yield you results, that isn't such a small dose like you think.You don't have to go over board to see results, that is where you diet comes into play.

Now as to what has already been stated you should run HCG throughout the course of your cycle.Thats an ALWAYS.Remember all AAS shuts you down and androgens will shut you down harder than milder aas.

Also, A-dex would be a better option than nolimho b/c it is stronger and will keep bloat and estrogen sides at bay better.

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Thanks so much for the info fellas. As far as diet goes toward the end of the cycle, should I cut back on my carbs, say 2000-2500< or less and keep my protien high?

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ya you could do that. 2000-2500 carbs or calories from carbs? if your eating that much carbs thats nuts haha.

i would try and keep your diet pretty clean the whole way through and concentrate on putting on quality muscle. include cardio at least three times a week throughout the cycle.

*Disclaimer*: "DoubleWide" is a fictitious character with the sole purpose to entertain & theorize on the use of Anabolic Steroids for intellectual discussion. Any information or advice given out, stated, or implied by "DoubleWIde" is for entertainment purposes only & should not be considered the advocation of any illegal activity.

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Thanks alot men. You've been a real help!!
