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I will be leaving the area for training in about 2.5 months. I have just enough time to do a short cycle, however, I don't want to worry about getting shutdown hard. Also, I'm not wanting to put on alot of size this time around, I'm more focused on harder muscles and endurance. I have been taking Anavar for the past 4 weeks at 50mg per day with little to no results. I have some masteron, enough to do 100mg eod for 6 weeks. If I do the masteron and the var, will my HPTA shutdown at all? I understand that it may a little, but the less the better because in case something goes wrong, I'm not gonna have time to do a lengthy and strenuous PCT. Will I need to do a PCT with this at all? From what I understand Masteron has its own antie properties, which also leads me to believe that I shouldn't have libido problems either.

wk 1-6 Mas 100 eod
wk 1-6 Var 60mg ed

I'll probably do some Nolvadex at the end for 2 weeks along with some tribulus just to play it safe.

Cannons- Fully Automatic
Hard times don't last, hard people do!
The body achieves what the mind believes, so get your mind right!

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Have you thought about throwing in some prop at maybe 150mg Eod, you could run that for 6 weeks easy,Test never hurts, it wouldnt shut you down hard and you might get some good gains. BUT Ive never used Masteron or Anavar so I woulnd know what to expect. Winny is great for endurance, 6 weeks would be cake! Sorry, Im not more educated with the PCT. What kind of training are you leaving for bro. Good Luck.

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Cannons masteron is defintely going to shut u down. its a very high androgen bro. The anavar on the other hand does not do too much as far as shutting u down. but like u said the anavar is worthless to you. I will never use anavar its to weak. I would rather use a little winny tabs or something. Or 20-30mg of dbol with some provirion and nolvadex to keep the estrogen non-existent.


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Hey Cannons, the sad fact is that anything you use at an effective dose to get the results you want is going to shut you down. Anavar, Masteron, Prop, it doesn't matter... if you're using enough of it to get results, then you are going over and above what your body would normally do, and it's going to shut down as a result.

The only alternative I can think of would to be to use some type of gear that is not hormone based, like 'slin, IGF 1 lr3, and GH. These won't affect hpta, and can produce very anabolic results. But they're expensive, and I don't know that you can get them overnight.

You might want to consider just toughing it out the next few months. 2.5 months will give your system plenty of time to get going again, and you could hang on to whatever gains you've made. You could go all out again once you're back in a position to do so.

I know it's not what you wanted to hear, but when it comes to juicing bro, it's kind of all or nothing. You can't really do it half assed. I know you understand.

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Yeah bro, I've decided to go with some winny at 50-75mg per day for about 6 weeks instead. This will help me get to where I want to be for my training and not worry about crashing hard. All I'm doing now is waiting, as I've decided to try some BD tabs!! I respond very well to winny, so if BD is as good as you all say, I'll have some pleasing results.

Cannons- Fully Automatic
Hard times don't last, hard people do!
The body achieves what the mind believes, so get your mind right!

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Anavar at 60mg works for me, i dont take it alone though, with prop for 6 weeks its pretty nice, maybe anavar gets a bad rap because its $$ and the dose isnt high enough sometimes. personaly i like it alot. its a good drug for us "old' folks!
