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Need a routine

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I am a 26 year old that is very tired of being so small (barley up to 140lbs now). I came on here in looking for info on juice. I have read quite a few post to realize I should wait on that. I know there is no magic pill, I would just like to get bigger as soon as my body will allow it. What I am looking for is a way to bulk up quick and what routine to use. Right now I don't have much of a routine. I am not looking to be a freak just to fill in quite a bit and maintain it. Thanks

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Mon. Squats Wed Bench Fri Dead On each day add a few other power movements, example: Front squats/box squats Military press/lying ext Shrugs/leg curls/good mornings Get plenty of rest eat tons and you will grow. Many other great routines in the Powerlifting forum at the top of the first page. They are sticky's. Worth a look.

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Train each bodypart once a week. Train 2 bodyparts per session Stick with the mass movements : squats , deadlifts , bench presses , military press and barbell rows as a base , and add 1-2 isolation movements for each bodypart per session. The mass movements cannot be substituted and must always be included in your routine somewhere (whether first or last). Try increase the weights or reps u do for an excercise each time u walk into the gym (so keep a training log to monitor progress and so u know what u have to do today when u walk in the gym.) Change the order , sets , reps and excercises(not the mass movements) every 6 weeks to keep your muscles guessing Most importantly Eat , Eat , Eat !!

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Originally posted by littlewilly Mon. Squats Wed Bench Fri Dead Good advice. Hardgainers should train infrequently but with great intensity.

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Eat a lot of meat and lift heavy.

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Dude I had the exact same stats as you a year ago. Truth is no supplement, creatine or any of that shit will help you. Gotta do it the good ol' fashion way, EAT. That is what I did and I went from a measley 142 lbs to a high body fat ratio of 213 lbs. When I got to the 180 mark I started using 1 AD which kinda helped push me through the threshold. After that point, my metabolism kind got screwed. Didn't matter to me because after 24 years of anorexia I now was starting to have a normal frame. After getting to 213 though I wanted my tone back so I started dieting and cardio. Now I down to 195 at 6'1 and with tone (about 13% bodyfat, hell I was probably at something like 25%). Bottomline, eat as many times as you can afford and getted stuffed. Thats what I did. Work out hard, but make you eat, eat, eat. For guys like us worry about fat later. Once you get a frame you appreciate then you can take a more modest approach like complex carbs and counting calories (that's what I do now). Later and good luck! BTW, I am now 26 and still have never juiced unless you count prohormones. Juicing is great if you reached your max baseline or if you are going to compete. I am not to keen of needles plus the work it takes after your cycle to get your normal test levels back. But if you choose to do your research. This board is an excellent place to start.

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Thanks guys

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Eat like a horse, sleep a lot, and lift heavy with good form and good intensity. Keep the sets down and be patient. You're not going to gain 60 pounds in a month, so relax and let your body grow at it's own pace.

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I had a similiar situation, except I changed after I graduated highschool. I weighed myself right when I graduated high school and I was 152 pound and 5'11. I was skin and bones. Then I dedicated myself to training and when winterbreak came along and I was back from college I weighed 170 pounds (not fat). 18 pounds in 7 months without juicing. My advice, eat right (5 or more big meals a day) , supplement with protein, and most importantly..........don't skip gym days. It is the easiest to gain weight when you start lifting, you just need to keep on truckin.

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Originally posted by lovingj Dude I had the exact same stats as you a year ago. Truth is no supplement, creatine or any of that shit will help you. Gotta do it the good ol' fashion way, EAT. That is what I did and I went from a measley 142 lbs to a high body fat ratio of 213 lbs. When I got to the 180 mark I started using 1 AD which kinda helped push me through the threshold. After that point, my metabolism kind got screwed. Didn't matter to me because after 24 years of anorexia I now was starting to have a normal frame. After getting to 213 though I wanted my tone back so I started dieting and cardio. Now I down to 195 at 6'1 and with tone (about 13% bodyfat, hell I was probably at something like 25%). Bottomline, eat as many times as you can afford and getted stuffed. Thats what I did. Work out hard, but make you eat, eat, eat. For guys like us worry about fat later. Once you get a frame you appreciate then you can take a more modest approach like complex carbs and counting calories (that's what I do now). Later and good luck! BTW, I am now 26 and still have never juiced unless you count prohormones. Juicing is great if you reached your max baseline or if you are going to compete. I am not to keen of needles plus the work it takes after your cycle to get your normal test levels back. But if you choose to do your research. This board is an excellent place to start. good advie and good improovements bro.. you look like an anoerxic junkie in the beginning.... good job...

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Originally posted by lovingj Didn't matter to me because after 24 years of anorexia I now was starting to have a normal frame. You were anorexic?! Props to you bro.

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heres my 2 sense: Mon- Chest - Bench Press Incline Barbell Press Dumbell Flyes Biceps -Barbell curls Preacher Curls Tues- Legs -Squats LegPress Leg Curls Calf raises *** Wed- Off Thurs-Shoulders -Dumbell Presses Dumbell LAteral raises Barbell shrugs Triceps -Close Grip Bench Presses Skull Crushers Fri- Back - Deadlifts Bent Barbell Rows One arm Dumbell Rows Wide Grip Chins Sat-Off Sun-Off For Every Exercise Do !-2 HEAVY sets of 6-8 reps Except for CAlf RAises do 3 sets of 12-15 reps..Each set Should Be done to Absolute Muscle FAilure With One or 2 Forced Rpes at the End. Rest 3-5 minutes between sets.....EAt Like a horse...If your An Ectomorph (skinney) Keep CArdio to an absolute minimum. Evertime youi walk in the gym Try to bump UIp the weight 5-10 pounds. I used this program for Along time and got Up to 205 Pounds At 5'5" before I ever Did A cycle. Creatine and Glutamine are two excellent supplements to use in addition to Protein Powders to Bulk Up

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Originally posted by gusto77 heres my 2 sense: Mon- Chest - Bench Press Incline Barbell Press Dumbell Flyes Biceps -Barbell curls Preacher Curls Tues- Legs -Squats LegPress Leg Curls Calf raises *** Wed- Off Thurs-Shoulders -Dumbell Presses Dumbell LAteral raises Barbell shrugs Triceps -Close Grip Bench Presses Skull Crushers Fri- Back - Deadlifts Bent Barbell Rows One arm Dumbell Rows Wide Grip Chins Sat-Off Sun-Off For Every Exercise Do !-2 HEAVY sets of 6-8 reps Except for CAlf RAises do 3 sets of 12-15 reps..Each set Should Be done to Absolute Muscle FAilure With One or 2 Forced Rpes at the End. Rest 3-5 minutes between sets.....EAt Like a horse...If your An Ectomorph (skinney) Keep CArdio to an absolute minimum. Evertime youi walk in the gym Try to bump UIp the weight 5-10 pounds. I used this program for Along time and got Up to 205 Pounds At 5'5" before I ever Did A cycle. Creatine and Glutamine are two excellent supplements to use in addition to Protein Powders to Bulk Up maybe its just me but i think i would rather do chest w/ triceps and back w/ biceps instead of chest w/biceps and shoulders w/ triceps. push and pull days. when doing your chest the triceps are being worked as secondary muscle groups (Push). same with the back your doing a seated row you are also working your biceps in with the routine (pull).

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I would have to agree with gusto77's theory... I prefer to work bi's and tri's on oposing push/pull days. I prefer to work them while there at strongest instead of being tired already. This way I can lift heavier weight. HEAVIER WEIGHT = STRONGER ME = HEAVIER ME.
