My first cycle tell...
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My first cycle tell me your views?

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I'm getting ready to start my first cycle, i'm 19 and been training about 4 years naturally, i'm weighing in at about 212, 12 %bf and 6'1, I was thinking about just doing 200mg of deca and 200mg of primo a week for about 10 weeks, i was also thinking about maybee throwing in 15mg of D-bol a week for the first 4 just to get things kick started a little, do you think thats a good idea? I want to keep this first cycle mild so i have something to progress from, also i would like to stay away from test with me being still young and all, do you thing equipoise would be a better choice than the deca? thanks for any help guys

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19? 15 mg d-bol/week? bro, you are too young for AS. You have alot more growing to go naturally first-wait til you're 22. And by the way you sound on your cycle amounts of gear, you need to read and learn alot more first. no flame intended, just trying to give advice.-bull

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Originally posted by Leon I'm getting ready to start my first cycle, i'm 19 and been training about 4 years naturally, i'm weighing in at about 212, 12 %bf and 6'1, I was thinking about just doing 200mg of Deca and 200mg of Primo a week for about 10 weeks, i was also thinking about maybee throwing in 15mg of D-bol a week for the first 4 just to get things kick started a little, do you think thats a good idea? I want to keep this first cycle mild so i have something to progress from, also i would like to stay away from test with me being still young and all, do you thing equipoise would be a better choice than the deca? thanks for any help guys Well Leon, Bull is right ... You are pretty young to start on AS ... I mean ... you are 212 lbs .. that is pretty good at 19 yrs old ... But ... if your determined to supplement then do some more research on doses. I know you want to stay mild but the doses your thinking of are way too low. Remember that Deca is somewhat slow to start so start it a bit higher and remember to taper it at the end. You can probably up the dbol too. I, or anyone else, won't/should'nt give you dosage advise until you do some more homework. -Natural

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Well...these guys are right. In the long run, you'll be much better off waiting a couple more years. I can promise you you won't regret waiting. However, that being said, I can't be a hypocrite. I had just turned 20 a month before I did my 1st cycle. I now wish I had waited but I know you're probably hellbent on going ahead with it. So here is what I suggest. Forget about the deca, d-bol, & primo. Get some good quality test & run it at 500mg's for 10 weeks. Take your clomid with it, & I promise you won't be disappointed.

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I started fairly young so I won't lecture you about that. No, not as young as 19. If you are going to do a first cycle you should always use test as the base. Especially for a first cycle. Test/deca is a great first cycle. 500mgs/test 400mgs deca a week. However, I do think you should give natural training a few more years. 212 at 6'1 is damn good for your age. You are probably starting for the wrong reasons, i.e. chicks, college, getting noticed. I could be wrong but I know what it's like. Later!

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Holy shit RockIce .... you mean to tell us that you started so that you could get noticed by the chicks?? Well, after looking at that pic of the girl speaking to your "hog" I think it must of worked !! lol -Natural

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I did my first cycle right when I turned 19, but I made a stupid mistake that you are about to make. Dont do that stupid deca/primo shit. It is way to fucking weak. Your first cycle will 9 times out of 10 be your best chance to pack on some serious mass without really high dosages. So do it right. Try this: weeks 1-4: 500mgTest/week, 400mg Deca/week, 35mg dbol/day weeks 5-8: 500mg Test/week, 400mg Deca/week weeks 9-10: 250 mgTest/week, 200mg Deca/week follow that up with some clomid to get your nuts back up. Eat like a madman and you should be at least 235 by the end. And those dosages are perfectly fine, I've used twice that and had no problems. keep nolva on hand just in case though. hope this helps.

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thanks for the replies guys, you all actually got me thinking a little more, maybee i'll wait a couple more years or at least untill i reach 225 natually then i'll juice and be up to 250 with only one cycle under my belt.. oh yea, that sounds all right to me, what do ya think?

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thanks for the replies guys, you all actually got me thinking a little more, maybee i'll wait a couple more years or at least untill i reach 225 natually then i'll juice and be up to 250 with only one cycle under my belt.. oh yea, that sounds all right to me, what do ya think?

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Sounds like the smart thing to do bro. just sit back, pump iron and learn off the bros here. Hey-don't feel bad, I didn't do my first cycle til last year-at 34-LOL. But I learned alot about it first from this board, and am still learning.-Good luck-bull

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I am in total agreement. I started young so I'm sure you are set on doing it regardless of what we say, but if you DO, do it right and forget about anything except your bread & butter testosterone. At 500mg/week you will grow like a weed (assuming you're nutrition is sufficient). Get some clomid to be sure and you will be OK. Be safe bro.
