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My first cycle and gyno

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I am on my 4th week of 500mg ew of Test cyp. I have put on roughly 10 lbs and strength is really starting to take off. My diet is fine although I would like to add another 500-750 cals to my diet. I do have a question on gyno. I have done very small cycles in the past lasting only 4-6 weeks and never had any issue with gyno. This current cycle will be ran 12 weeks. I do have nolva on hand but not sure when to take it during the cycle. Some guys at the gym say don't take it until you see symptoms like itchy nipples or increased water retention. Are there any other symptoms than the nipples. I know I am retaining water due to sodium in my diet but I still have a hard look. I would rather not take the nolva until the end but unsure whether or not to start it now for precauitionary measures.

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I personally would hold off until you have any symptoms...You could end up really lucky like me I have been cycling for 8 years on and off of course and NEVER had gyno problems just not prone to it. I have done some heavy cycles too with still no problem

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Is there anyway you can grab some arimidex? Save that nolv for pct cause I think it can cut into your gains via dropping your IGF output.

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Posted by: treasurer
Is there anyway you can grab some arimidex? Save that nolv for pct cause I think it can cut into your gains via dropping your IGF output.

Yeah I heard the same thing thats why I am really wanting to wait.Yes I can probably get the arimidex.I don't know much about it so I will research.Thanks for the head up though@!!

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Posted by: cdog
Yeah I heard the same thing thats why I am really wanting to wait.Yes I can probably get the arimidex.I don't know much about it so I will research.Thanks for the head up though@!!

adex is the way to go. i usually run it E3Ds at .5mg (just cut the pill in half) so i'd at least pick some up and have it on hand just in case better to be safe then sorry. plus it about 100x cheaper then gyno surgery. good luck bro

Death before Dishonor

5'7" 203lbs
Current Cycle
Sustanon 350 1cc EOD
Deca 300 1.5cc EW
Anadrol 150mg ED Last week Upped the Dosage
