This should be my best one yet..... test suspension.....weeks 1-10, 100mg/day tren............weeks 1-5, 75mg/day ...................weeks 6-10, 100mg/day Dbol............weeks 1-5, 30mg/day Not alot of gear, but I'm comming off a layoff so I should respond very well.
thats gonna be a lot of shots espeically with the suspension... you plan on doing it more than 1x/day? should be solid though
Just 1x/day. and the Tren And test are a mix. When I increase the tren It'll be an extra 1/4 cc/day mixed in.
Looks good based on what I've read. Why are you using these compounds when they are typically used to cut...well, minus the Dbols.
looks good to me....
I'd think that'd definetly make the :cow: grow... with strength through the roof! ...good luck bro, and make sure to feed the machine plenty.
Very similar to my winter cycle. I"m running my dbol a little longer. But should be good. I love Suspension and dbol for bulking. The best gains of my life came from stacking just those 2 steroids.