My Anavar Experienc...
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My Anavar Experience

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Maybe my experience might help someone in endurance sport.

So, I had finished my first cycle of oral winny in the fall during my buildup (I am a LD runner) and had experienced great results: i.e. minimal weight gain (around 2 lb, most of it water I guess). Had a good PCT, none sides. Did not experience any crash. My max. dose was 30mg and I had tapered.

Now, the first week of January was a time to help with my final sharpeners for the indoor season, and the gear I chose for that was var. I was expecting great recovery, minimal or no weight gain and faster workouts/racing times. I didn't get anything from the listed. I got sore muscles, thrice as long rec. time, fall in performance and gain of 3 lbs in 10 days! And I was really watching my diet, eating super clean. I was feeling terrible and dropped right away the var and now I am on 50mg of clomid ed.

My dosage of var was: First 3 days O winny 10mg (feeling good), then switched to var 10mg/day, 2nd week 15mg/day dicontinued on the 10th day, because of terrible feeling and disgust with the results.

Now, on Clomid, I feel fine and am able to train ok. What should I do to save my season? I still have 900mgs of var left and don't know how should I use it to help me.

I had read on these boards and others that Clomid helps the body to produce natural testosterone. Should I consider taking Clomid only for 2-3 weeks?
Thanks for the comments.

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hey man, im a 800 runner with indoor season here as well! the problem with me is i just got a stress fracture in my left foot. so, it looks like im not running for a few weeks and when i start it'll be a while before outdoor. i have heard from others that var is not great for track, but then again some people like the stuff. if i were you i would try and sell the var to some friends (not in track) so nothing gets started talk wise, and then take the money and buy some more winny. i know how it feels to try and train after a cycle of anything, and it really sucks ass. its just harder. well, hope that helps any.

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From what you described, it sounds like you answered your own question. I don't see a use for Anavar given the results you experienced.

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Are you sure it was var? Your dosage is super low. I can not imagine var had any effect.

Also, you maxed out at 30mg of winny and tapered?

Sounds to me that are living in no mans land. Your using just enough to experience the sides but not enough to experience the gains IMO.

Sounds like Clomid out of two AAS is providing you with the greatest anabolic effect. If I were you, I would do a 4 - 6 week cycle of Clomid. Not because you have to but at least you will make some decent gains.

As for the remainder var. If I were you, I would get a hold of some test or 4AD and stack with 40mg of var ED. You may need to bump this up. If this sounds too much, then IMO, stay away from AAS.

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i thought distance runners should run low doese due to pumps in the legs?

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People say var fucks you up even in small doses, at least for endurance cycling. You can search the forum.

Mid distance runners would probably have luck with D-bols(I read a guy who said Coe was all over Dbol), some winny, T3, and ephedrine to lose any uneeded weight to cut up. Winny has a long ass det time though so watch out.

Then again, plain old testosterone may be the safest, most predictable, and sure fire one. Andriol could work well if you can find it. I'm using test enanthate and feel like an animal on the bike.

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From my limited experience, I come to the conclusion that dosage is not sport or weight related. It works best when you start at the known recommended dosage for a particular AAS and then make adjustments from that point. Coming in low will only provide a placebo anabolic effect but open up the individual to sides. Not a good position to be in.

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i was thinking running test suspension/prop???? which one??? along with winny or anadrol. what do you guys think, and also using amredex to keep down bloat.

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what about turanabol??? anybody have good experience with that? i really want to try anadrol awith amredex and think that would be the best to boost red blood cells.

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domperignon, Andriol could work well if you can find it??? I can found andriols but is really efective?? I read same post and said the best form is 2 andriol after hard training.. or long training.. What do you think?Thanks bro

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Thanks for all responses, it's really helpful.
As for the dosages, I think mine were just right for the O winny and I had determined the dosage for var according to my weight. Since I am really light (remember- LD runner), even for my height, I shouldn't be taking any more than 30mg/d.
Anyways, I will finish off this abrupt cycle by Clomid for 2 weeks and next time use only O winny (I hate needles).
How soon do you think I can start my winny cycle after my 10 day mis-trial with var?

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hey gebre what your weight and height? I was thinking of doing the same dose for winny along with 160mg of test a week for my running. I'm about 185lbs.was thinking about 35mg of winny ed. what did winny do for you as far as endurance and stamina? did it cramp you up?

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im not that guy, but im going to do the same. everyone is different when if comes to cramps. Be sure to take a lot of patassium. what you have might work really well for your weight.

i plan on going test prop. every other day at 40mg and see how that goes.
and 20mg a day of O winny.
maybe some MDHT every now and then
and will be using amridex to keep any bloat away.

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Any AAS which drastically reduces cortisol is not good for endurance var--dbol. The body needs cortisol to help muscles recover--why do u think pro.riders and distance runners use corti costeroids. This does not apply for static strength and sprint atheletes. Test susp. is painfull and water retention is instant.Prop eod is great 100mg out of season and 50mg in season.Dbol also gives water retention greatly--what alot of people do not realise is that water ret. also causes major breathlessness this is a F/U for any endurance athelete .U cant get rid of all the water even with arimidex /nolva + proviron.If u used small doses u would b ok; but then u would have no positive benefits (apart from recovery help) .Winstrol depot great ;but will raise lipds(cholestorol) very much,winstrol oral too many fakes around. U can also drink winstrol depot--same effect. M/track

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zankete, I dont have personal experience with andriol. Others have said dr. ferrari recommend this stuff. The dosages i've heard are anywhere from 2 to 3 40mg pills. Also, people say post workout, but why not pop it a bit before hand so you will have a better ride and it will aide recovery immediately after the workouts done.
