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Mixed MArtial Arts and Steroid Cycles

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Guys I used to be into bodybuilding hardcore but over the past 3 years I have been morphing into the MMA scene as I love this shit now. ANYWHOOO any MMAers on here and if so what type of cycles have u done? I am 5'6'' 168 at 14.7 bf% which is a lil high for me. I figured Id cut down to about 11-12% and then do a 8 weeker with the following.

Fina 75mg or 150mg EOD Weeks 1-8
t3 Weeks 1-6
clen 2 Weeks on 2 Weeks off

This should help me in my bodyfat losing mode as well as probably limit the intensity of the Fina pumps. Any comments or feedback would be appreciated.

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If you can, I would add a maintance dose of test (75mgs a week of prop?).

clen has been shown to have possible issues with the heart. Many on this site now prefer the use of Albuterol over clen.

I don't know how pumps effect you, but it took me a while to adjust to tren when playing collegiate sports (football). Personally, I would have ran a low dose eq/test,EQ solo, or test solo cycle.

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Got ya ready2Explode...what would u say about using the IBE Labs stuff like IGF and PYGelated MGF? From what i read it sounds olike they provide long term gains....nothing dramatic but i mean after all I AM looking for that lean look. As for clen yeah ima use Albuterol as I have been readin the problems with clen

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clen and T3 is horrible for your endurance...I would love my opponett to be using that combo....
Just get your diet together bro. Thats the biggest thing.
How old are you?

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Im 25...about to start taking classes again. I live in NYC and will dish out the big bucks to train with Renzo. My goal is in like 3-4 years to compete in a MMA bout. I know how to clean up my diet and have already thought about just using T3 and Albuterol to aid in the cutting process. I used the tEam Quest eating and training plans in the past with amazing success...I was in the best shape of my life. I think just some T3 and Albuterol for about 4-6 weks mixed in with some of the GH peptides from IBE labs will be more than enough. That along with solid training and a top notch diet will get me leaner than ever. I am 5'6'' 168 with 14.7 bf% I want to be like 155 at 5-6%bf so again Im not SOOO far off my goal. I know how to get it done...but i was thinking of using certain diff types of supplements this time in addition to my Sesamax, Green Tea, Levorex, Chondroitin and Lightforce Energy Greens

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Posted by: junkyarddogg24
Im 25...about to start taking classes again. I live in NYC and will dish out the big bucks to train with Renzo. My goal is in like 3-4 years to compete in a MMA bout. I know how to clean up my diet and have already thought about just using T3 and Albuterol to aid in the cutting process. I used the tEam Quest eating and training plans in the past with amazing success...I was in the best shape of my life. I think just some T3 and Albuterol for about 4-6 weks mixed in with some of the GH peptides from IBE labs will be more than enough. That along with solid training and a top notch diet will get me leaner than ever. I am 5'6'' 168 with 14.7 bf% I want to be like 155 at 5-6%bf so again Im not SOOO far off my goal. I know how to get it done...but i was thinking of using certain diff types of supplements this time in addition to my Sesamax, Green Tea, Levorex, Chondroitin and Lightforce Energy Greens

Just wondering if you know Gracie's personal opinion on gear.

On a side note and off topic I was born where Brazilian Gracie Jiu Jitsu began: city of Bel�m, State of Par� (Up North, Rain Forest), Brazil. My beloved Bel�m is the city where Helio Gracie opened up the first Jiu-Jitsu school.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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Posted by: junkyarddogg24
Got ya ready2Explode...what would u say about using the IBE Labs stuff like IGF and PYGelated MGF? From what i read it sounds olike they provide long term gains....nothing dramatic but i mean after all I AM looking for that lean look. As for clen yeah ima use Albuterol as I have been readin the problems with clen

IBE, in general, has had some complaints about delivery. Personally, I have never had an issue when ordering from them. I'm sorry, I did once, and they took care of it with extras quite quickly.

As for the drugs you were asking about, I don't know much about them. I haven't heard much about P-MGF, which leads me to presume it is worthless. IGF-1, I have heard a lot about, but do not know much. The results seem to be slow and steady, but nevertheless, it is used with success (anecdotally). It's too expensive for my taste, hence my lack of interest.

"In any contest between power and patience, bet on patience."
~W.B. Prescott

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
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hey bro where do you get the team quest training plans?

" Bring the Pain"

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Soem might complain that's a big long to be on tren but each to his own.

WHen I was on prop 100mg and tren 50mg eod I got good results...only run shrot cycles though (3 weeker).

There is a top notch MMA guy I know on www.anabolicextreme.com, drop in there he'll def help you out.


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I would keep the dose low, just to aid recovery, added weight is hell on your cardio, which in MMA is far more important than strength.

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I'd say low dose test, halo & mdht would be your best bets.

Black Baccara
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Be careful to drug test ...

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Posted by: silverknight
hey bro where do you get the team quest training plans?

I bought their training manual. Its great you can get on their site for like 20 bucks. Or send ur email and Ill give u the workouts.
