Lean mass/ enduranc...
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Lean mass/ endurance cycle

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Hey guys. I was wondering if anyone had any input on a good lean mass/ endurance cycle. I've been lifting for about 11 years now, and have done a few cycles, but all for mass. Currently, I'm 5'11", 220, 14%bf. My job requires me to run about 3-5 miles every other day, and swim for 45 min-an hour on non run days. I lift about 4 times a week. My question is....I have a bunch of sust. 250 laying around, and was wondering if there was something you guys would recommend to add to it to bring my endurance up, but also keep most of my strength/size. I'm trying to get into overall conditioning, not just strong. Thanks for your help guys.

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eq would be a good addition in combo with low dose test, i say low dose so you dont add to much water weight which can impact your endurance level..eq is good because of the increase in RBC production wich helps with utlilizing you oxygen

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That sounds good. It won't give me joint pain like winni does right? I tried a cycle with winni, and had to stop midway through because my knees hurt so bad I had trouble walking. Thanks for your help brother. How low should I dose test? 500 a week? Or lower than that??

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Posted by: tjrubicon
That sounds good. It won't give me joint pain like winni does right? I tried a cycle with winni, and had to stop midway through because my knees hurt so bad I had trouble walking. Thanks for your help brother. How low should I dose test? 500 a week? Or lower than that??

I agree with IP on this....

your test dosage could be as low as 250mg/wk...i'm 6' 190lbs, that dose is plenty for me....

if you go with a low dose test like IP mentioned, i would go with a minimum of 400mg/wk of EQ.....and stretch the cycle out to 16 weeks.

EQ will not affect your joints like winny does...

i'm sure there's other options out there, so take your time and do it right!

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Thanks for the help guys. I'm gonna do a little research on this, and probably try to start in a month or so. I appreciate it.

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what r ur stats bud?

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I'm 5'11" 217lbs (lost three pounds!!) 14-15% bf. I'd like to cut down to around 190-200 lbs pretty ripped, but not totally shredded. Its my feeling that unless in a competition, totally shredded is pretty unhealthy. If I could get down to around 10%, or just less, I'll be doing good. Until the past 4 months or so, I just wanted to be the biggest dude that walked around, but lately have learned big doesn't always mean in shape. SO, now I"m headed toward total fitness. It just fits for my lifestyle/job. Thanks for all your help man.

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here is what i would do
eq 400-600mgs EW
primo 400-500mgs EW
var off and on throughout the cycle
and low dose test eth, maybe even add some proviron into it in case of libidio problems..i have several freinds, training partners who are fighters love this cycle for lean gains, strength really goes up and so does there endurance

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Thanks brother!! I'll give're a try and let ya know how it works out. Probably start next month.

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Bumping IP on running EQ. It will help strengthen your tendons by leaps and bounds as well as raise your RBC which keep cortisol levels down and allow you to recoop quicker and push yourself harder.

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