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Bro's I have decided to run a cycle and need a question answered? I am 20 years old and have been lifting for 7 years. Before I ever wanted to try a cycle I wanted a good foundation to build from. So after all this time I havent gained a lot of size in a year or so, but I am 6'1'' 200 pounds and im 14% B.F. So I am going to run 8 weeks of sust250'>sustanon with D-bol and Tren. It's going to be 500mg's a week of Sus and 35mg's of D-bol for 4 weeks to jump start myself. I want to finish off with the Tren on the 2nd half of the cycle. What would the numbers look like with the tren. 75mg's E.D. or E.O.D. for how long? I have enough for 6 weeks. Thanks with your help guys on this and everything and P.C.T. is all under control.

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maybe i named this wrong thats why no one is looking at bad guys really need some expert opinion on this so im bumping it up.

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Run the test for 10 weeks minimum at 500mg......I have only done one cycle and I am not an expert but every guy on this board will tell you the same. I;m to scared to try tren.....I am however gonna cook some up just to test out my chemisry skills Disclaimer- I do not use any illegal substance, everything I say is a joke

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i think the longer u run test the better, up to maybe 16 weeks or so, but there really isnt anything wrong with running sust for 8 weeks, i think 500mg/wk is perfect for most beginners, i wouldnt venture any higher... as far as tren goes, most ppl dont use it on their first cycle, i wouldnt if i was u... ull get great results from sust and dbol alone also, run dbol 30mg max if its ur first time using it

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Seem young, but ull do it anyways eh? Dont much matter what I say. Run the dbol weeks 1-4 at 30-35 mgs ed, splitt into 3-4 dosages. run the sus eod to e3d for weeks 1-2 and then at 500 mgs a week, splitt into 2 shots for weeks 3-10. Run the tren weeks 6-12 at 50-75 mgs ed. ED not eod. Make sure u ave read up on site injects, inject procedure, drug sides, prevent measures, anti-e's (and have them on hand), PCT, proper diet and draw up a solid training routine..... then gl bro.

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thanks for the responses guys. this site never lets me down.
