how to run this cyc...
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how to run this cycle?

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o.k. i'm currently into 3 1/2 weeks of my cycle. i am 5'7", 185lbs (started at 172lbs). my goal is to get sopmewheres close to 200 lbs before i enter into my cutting cycle. this is how my cycle goes: mon. 2cc's test 200 mg/ml tues. 2cc's E.Q. 200 mg/ml thurs. 2 cc's test 200 mg/ml fri. 2cc's E.Q. 200 mg/ml also taking 35 mg Dbol/ ed my joints are starting to get sore and i was told that deca works very well. i'm trying to figure out where to add this to my cycle. how many injections is too many per week. my buddy wants me to do 2 cc's on wednsdays and again either saturday or sunday. that would be 6 injections a week. is that too much? i've only ever done quad and glute injections, the quad ones hurt a couple of times so i backed off and only have been doing glutes. if it is alright to inject six times a week maybe i should go back to some quads. what do the pros think?

Killer Quads81
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I dont think adding deca is the answer.On 800mg/week of test and dbol, your probably holding sufficient water to lubricate your joints. Try some flax seed oil and glucosamine. As far as your injections, add your delts in there bro. Easy and you hardly ever hit anything. They are by far my favorite place to inject.

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Why dont you just combine Mon and Teus and Wed and Thurs into 2 days? You got 2 quads and 2 cheeks...simple enough. If you want to add deca for joint pain 200mg a week should do the trick.

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hey doesnt EQ help with joint pain?

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& when you post your cycle it should read as follows- makes it easy for the reader week 1- 4 35mg D-bol ED week 1-10 800mg's test week 1-10 800mg's EQ - 800 is too much for you. cut it back to 500 & there's the space for your deca

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Only 3½ weeks into cycle.. eq should be kicking in soon and your joints will start feeling better.. adding deca will make even more of a difference.. I'd cut back 2 injects per week by hitting 3cc's each time..

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hey big will. that would be great if i combined the two but that would mean 4cc's in one shot. is that too much and do the two mix well together? any pain?

Killer Quads81
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4cc is too much for one shot, but the two do mix. Do 2cc in each delt or cheek or whatever.
