How to mix this Cyc...
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How to mix this Cycle-

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Ok so basically what Ill have are 7 vials of axio prop = 7000mg and 3 vials of axio EQ= 6000mg. Ill also have some winni Im going to throw in there as well. So here are a few options of how to run it, just wondering what you think would be most effective in your opinions.

Test Prop for:
13.5 weeks @ 75mg ED
15.5 weeks @ 65mg ED
20.0 weeks @ 50mg ED

EQ for:
15.0 weeks @ 400mg EW
13.0 weeks @ 460mg EW
****I basically wanted to use all three vials of EQ without saving any for another cycle because it wouldnt be much left in the last to save, would seem pointless.

Winni for:
8.0 weeks @ 40mg ED
6.0 weeks @ 50mg ED

I would also run the HCG 500ius 2x a week and a proper PCT as well. Anyway just wondered what you thought the best overall combo of these 3 compounds is? Thanks a lot for all your help and thoughts!

Oh the goal of this cycle is to put on as much lean muscle as possible. Im 5'11" 220lbs 12% bf. Im hoping that it helps trim me down a little more as well, I would love to be more vascular as well. Never had the veins popping out even though Im fairly lean, I know a lot of that is hereditary as well. This would be my 5th cycle. Thanks again!

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i would just save myself the injections and do 150mgs eod for 13.5 wks and the eq 400mgs for 13.5 wks. and i would only do the winstrol for 4 wks , 6 max tho for 50mgs.

*Disclaimer*: "DoubleWide" is a fictitious character with the sole purpose to entertain & theorize on the use of Anabolic Steroids for intellectual discussion. Any information or advice given out, stated, or implied by "DoubleWIde" is for entertainment purposes only & should not be considered the advocation of any illegal activity.

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So, EOD injects with prop are just as effective as ED? I just wanted to avoid as many of the sides as possible, but I agree ED shots are literally a pain! So if Im good with doing the EOD Ill prob just go for that.

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yeah bro I full agree with DW here. Listen to him, as he knows what he is talking about. Prop shot eod is the best way to go.

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I ran Prop (first cycle I eve did) at EOD injects. Prop is great stuff!!! I would rather use Tbol to o over Winny. I haven't used Winny, but if it "dries" the joints out like some of the bro's here have posted then it is a no go for me!!! I ran a Tbol Prop cycle only and got great results off of it!!! I stayed lean while gaining nice muscle mass, and my strength was awesome!! What will your PCT look like?

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i know im somewhat new but shouldnt he run the prop for 2 weeks longer then the eq because the eq is a longer ester????

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Posted by: spankinbabys
i know im somewhat new but shouldnt he run the prop for 2 weeks longer then the eq because the eq is a longer ester????

I would say that would be the best thing to do!!

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Posted by: w000dy
I ran Prop (first cycle I eve did) at EOD injects.Prop is great stuff!!!I would rather use Tbol to o over Winny.I haven't used Winny, but if it "dries" the joints out like some of the bro's here have posted then it is a no go for me!!!I ran a Tbol Prop cycle only and got great results off of it!!!I stayed lean while gaining nice muscle mass, and my strength was awesome!!What will your PCT look like?

I have never used Winni either and LOVE Tbol, the only downfall is I have not seen it for over a year now....not sure if its ever coming back. In the mean time, Winni sounds the closest to it, giving you no water weight and increasing vascularity and helping in fat loss.Im stoked to compare the two.But I do really love/miss Tbol, may it RIP. ha

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I too have heard that I should run the test longer than the EQ, if thats correct, should I run the prop EOD at 130 instead of 150? Will the gains still be pretty similar? Thanks for the help all, MUCH APPRECIATED! Also should I run the 6 weeks of winni at the end, middle, or beginning?

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Buellar.......Buellar......anyone? Please help ha
