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19/11/2022 12:08 am
dbol weeks 1-4 35-50 mgs. deca weeks 1-12 400-600 mgs/week. Tren 75 mgs ed-eod weeks 10-15. PCT at week 16. I would recommend adding test.
19/11/2022 1:01 am
Well, for starters, your gonna need another vial of test bro. And I'm a bonehead so remind me the mg of the reforvit dbols. And lastly, make a new thread, dont confuse things on this one.
19/11/2022 1:32 am
imo why not get some test and do tren/test and test/dbol/deca as 2 separate cycles? One for bulking and one for cutting, that ought to save u some money for an extra cycle 😀