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how long do you wait between cycles

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for me i go 8 to 10 weeks on .8 weeks off then agin for 8 weeks . ect ect .my cycles are Dbol sus and deca. i just like to know the avg time on and off

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I dont take more than 4 weeks off.But then im on enath. also. AMINOMAN

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rule of thumb is ,time on= time off. for best results try to stick to this rule

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when the sack is back, and the rack is stacked, then the tack gets smacked!

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I have only done two cycles but time on = time off for me. I think it is a good rule of thumb to save your natural test production.

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time off=twice time on for me ...found this works best for health reasons and for gains...also cuts down on the bill and # ofinjections..hehe

Raphael Argus
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I agree with 4plates and with bigntasty20's formula. Trust me, I stayed on for years and regretted it. My body was so screwed up it took like 7-8 months just to start to feel normal again.

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It really depends for me. Sometimes I'll take a few weeks off or a few months. The biggest factor is whether or not my goodies drawer is full or not.

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Originally posted by FOX Ive waited 2.5+ years...soon enough I will be back...soon enough FOX I was off for about 3.5 years-- still used pro hormones and trib but no juice. I have a good 2 years of cycling ahead of me-- just started again Anyways I'll wait 2 or 3 months between cycles depending on what I used-- I do taper as well so I'll taper for 3 weeks or so after the cycle then take 2 months off-- I'll do a bunch of cycles in a 2 or 3 year period then take a long time off- I guess its pretty much what everyone else does with the 2 month off thing

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Bridging between cycles with 200mg test. enanthate sounds healthier than putting your body through crashing hormone levels and losing a lot of your gains. It would seem more logical to me to go straight onto HRT sooner rather than later, as if you're cycling you'll eventually need it anyway. I cant see how it would be that unhealthy anyway. It's not like doing a mass cycle all year round (I suppose that's not really cycling to be exact).

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doing low doses of test as a "bridge" is really the same as never going off. Your HPT will never recover as long as you are on something. The longer you go without time off the bigger the price you will pay later. 8 weeks off is the MINIMUM for a cycle. Time on = time off is a good rule of thumb but don't be afraid to take more time off if your test levels aren't back up. It takes closer to 12 weeks for your cholesterol levels to return to normal.

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Just wait until you're 48 years old and deal with the time off policy. Mother F'king Son of a b'th talk about depression!!! I know it's for my own good but it still kill's your soul!!! I lose some size and some weight but I've got a 25 year old wife that needs to be taken care off, if you know what I mean.:D Thank goodness my tougue is in good shape! I've never considered bridging. At my age I might never see my nuts again! Wish I knew at 20 what I know now.....

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how healthy is "bridging" test between cycles. I mean it sounds like something i would definitely do only because I hate the crash and losing gains, and I end up going back on cycles always sooner than expected anyways. . Like for instance, I was planning on taking off 10 weeks before my next cycle, but I caved in last week, in the middle of the seventh week. Is that what HRT is all about? 200 of test of week?

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Real HRT is like 200mg every 2 weeks. Bridging with test is like not coming off. You still say supressed, etc.

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Running out of money always kept me from getting back on too soon.

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