1cc eod primo
1cc eod tren
and prop
want lean muscle not bulk
last cycle i blew up like a deer tick
1cc eod primo
1cc eod tren
and propwant lean muscle not bulk
last cycle i blew up like a deer tick
bro if this is your second cycle why all these compuonds.run Test Prop and get some t-bol.by the way you didn't put up how many mgs you are planning on taking
looking for time and financial freedom
Tren And the prop works nice together. I don't think you get much out of the Primo.
1cc eod primo
1cc eod tren
and propwant lean muscle not bulk
last cycle i blew up like a deer tick
69 is correct that you can attain the goals that you seek with just test and t-bol, but if your mind is set on using tren then you might as well do it right.
Many will tell you that it is not advisable to use tren for your second cycle but I cannot be a hypocrite cause i myself used it for my second cycle and loved it.Keep in mind the sides from tren can be very harsh for some people so you will want to start with a lower dose to see how you react.In addition tren can raise prolactin levels significantly which can cause prolactin gyno.To prevent prolactin gyno you will need to use a drug called cabaser (AKA cabergoline or dostinex).As far as the primo I don't think it is necessary asprop and tren will give you all the gains you need if your diet is right.One thing to keep in mind is that your gains whether they be lean or bulky depends more upon your diet and estrogen levels (causing bloating or water retention) rather than the type of gear you use.In any case here is how I would run it:
1-9 Test prop 100-150mg eod
1-8 Tren ace 50-75mg eod
1-9 Cabaser 0.5mg 2x per week
1-9 arimidex 0.5mg/day
PCT (starts 4 days after your last shot of prop)
Clomid 100mg/day for three weeks
Aromasin 25mg/day for 4 weeks
Any opinions expressed by gustavo77 with regards to AAS or prescription drugs (non-narcotic, as narcotic discussion is prohibited on this site) are for role playing purposes only, as gustavo77 is a fictional internet personality. In addition, please do not PM me regarding any source, purchase or sale related to AAS or prescription drugs (narcotic and non-narcotic) as I have no knowledge of these issues and do not condone the use of any drugs unless prescribed by a physician.
Bumping Gus for solid advice.
The only thing i will add is this; DIET is a biggest piece of the puzzle your trying to create. AAS is a very SMALL part of it and only supplments everything else you should be doing right.
You dont need to run such harsh drugs for your second cycle and many believe you dont need to run that harsh of drugs no matter how many cycles you have under belt. Your diet will get you where you want to go so dont overlook it or neglect it.
If I want to add flavor to my cooking. . . . . . . I just burn it
There is NO such thing as over training just under EATING. ~ Trey Brewer
big bump T-bol is a beautiful thing, im going to be going on my 4th cycle, and ill im going to be running is test and Tbol. I learning less is more with gear.