First Time 4 Week C...
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First Time 4 Week Cycle

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Hi guys,

Stats: 34 years old male, 6'2 220. Guessing about 20% BF but planning on reducing that over the next few weeks. Looking to gain a bit of size, harden up, and a bit of bulk that will remain after the cycles are over. This will be my first ever cycle. Diet is 90%, just having trouble with certain cravings, but I think being on the gear will motivate me to get closer to the 100%. Drink about a gallon of water a day.

About 6 weeks out from my first cycle. Looking to do a series of three 4 week cycles with 4 week off in between.

Tren 75 ED for 28 days
Test Prop 75 ED for 28 days
proviron 50 ED for 28 days

As for the 4 weeks off, I am a bit unsure of a solid PCT because there is little info on short cycles versus the more popular 12 - 16 week cycles.

I was thinking of clomid 200mg for 2 days, then 100mg for 2 days then 50 for 10 days.
I am not solid on this though, and would love some help, especially since I am taking proviron during the cycle. Also, should I put some HCG in the PCT, the stack, or just keep it out altogether.

I don't think I am far off, but I thought I would review this by a few vets that might have some suggestions.
As for getting stuck every day, and the fact that I hear Test Prop sucks to inject, I am willing to do it to try out the short cycles. I am more interested in less side effects even if it means less gains. I am not looking to go pro, just looking to look a bit better to my wife (and any other ladies lol)


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You are absolutely right about the waiting 3 days. I forgot to mention that part. Since both Tren Ace and Test Prop have 1/2 lives of 72 hours. That is also what is attracting me to the short cycles. Using fast acting short 1/2 life meds reduces chances of runaway side effects. I can stop pinning if something starts to go wrong.

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Why are you doing 4 week cycles bro?

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Posted by: MrWhibbley
Hi guys,

Stats: 34 years old male, 6'2 220. Guessing about 20% BF but planning on reducing that over the next few weeks. Looking to gain a bit of size, harden up, and a bit of bulk that will remain after the cycles are over. This will be my first ever cycle. Diet is 90%, just having trouble with certain cravings, but I think being on the gear will motivate me to get closer to the 100%. Drink about a gallon of water a day.

About 6 weeks out from my first cycle. Looking to do a series of three 4 week cycles with 4 week off in between.

Tren 75 ED for 28 days
Test Prop 75 ED for 28 days
Proviron 50 ED for 28 days

As for the 4 weeks off, I am a bit unsure of a solid PCT because there is little info on short cycles versus the more popular 12 - 16 week cycles.

I was thinking of clomid 200mg for 2 days, then 100mg for 2 days then 50 for 10 days.
I am not solid on this though, and would love some help, especially since I am taking proviron during the cycle. Also, should I put some HCG in the PCT, the stack, or just keep it out altogether.

I don't think I am far off, but I thought I would review this by a few vets that might have some suggestions.
As for getting stuck every day, and the fact that I hear Test Prop sucks to inject, I am willing to do it to try out the short cycles. I am more interested in less side effects even if it means less gains. I am not looking to go pro, just looking to look a bit better to my wife (and any other ladies lol)


If this is your first cycle you shouldn't even consider Tren. I'm going to start my third cycle and I'm still not ready for it yet. Also, if you were running tren you would need Dostinex to keep your Progesterone/Prolactin levels in check.

A typical first cycle should be test only. Here are sample beginner cycles. My first cycle was the Test E cycle listed below.

Test E 500mg per week for 12-14 weeks
Adex 1 Every 3 days (if needed)
PCT: 2 Weeks after last pin nolva 40/40/20/20


sustanon 500 mg per week for 12-14 weeks
Adex 1 Every 3 days (if needed)
PCT: 3 Weeks after last pin Nolva 40/40/20/20

Many here don't recommend using an oral on your first cycle, but I used Anavar for 8 weeks and I loved it!

Please do you research bro because there's tons of useful info on this forum. Use the Seach tab above.

Testosterone Blooded!

Stats and Current Cycle
25 years old
On Second Cycle 20 Weeks
Sustanon 650mg PW
Masteron Prop 100mg EOD

DO NOT PM ME FOR SOURCES because here's what I use:

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Btw, I'm not a vet, I'm far from it however that's basic information that everyone here knows who ran their first cycle already.

Testosterone Blooded!

Stats and Current Cycle
25 years old
On Second Cycle 20 Weeks
Sustanon 650mg PW
Masteron Prop 100mg EOD

DO NOT PM ME FOR SOURCES because here's what I use:

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Obviously, you've thought this process out and have found information to support your 4 week cycle protocol. Please explain. It's not what a beginner should do, or for that matter any AAS user.

There is a protocol that's called "Burst Cycling" which involves short duration (3weeks) and extremely high dosing (3-5 grams AAS/wk) and is for veterans only.

A typical beginner's cycle runs 10-12 weeks, involves testosterone only, although I could allow for a second compound, and dosing in the 500-750mg/wk plus ancillaries.

Even though you're planning on using short estered steroids, you're still not using them long enough to achieve the maximum benefit with 4 weeks limits. And I'm concerned with your perception that AAS will harden you up and help you with your diet. You haven't stated what your diet is....cutting? Bulking? What does your diet look like? Hardening is a diet process exclusively at this
point in your training. The hardening benefits of some AAS is related to those within a percent of their perfect cut condition, not when 15% away from it.

WOW! You're HUGE. You take steroids, don't you!

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Right now I am in the process of cutting. I was injured at the beginning of summer and was unable to work out for most of the past 3 or 4 months. I am cutting. I eat mostly clean 90% of the time. I want to get back under 20% at least before starting any AAS.
The 4 week cycles I have read up on (I will post a link when I find it) is normal levels of AAS for 4 weeks, so something around 700mg of test, and then take 4 weeks off. Repeat this three times and in a 6 month period you are on for 3, and off for 3. There were a couple of case studies done with one study that had a followup. The gains were comprable, although not quite as good as longer cycles. However, the recovery times and side effects were significantly less. I will post the link when I find it. I think you will find it at least an interesting read.

Found the article
The 2-On, 4-Off Cycle: A Case Study by Bill Roberts

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Haven't trained for 3-4 months, diet is questionable, body fat is high, goals are unclear, running tren during your first cycle, doing a burst cycle.... what could go wrong?

"Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated."
1350mg Sustanon
900mg Deca
400mg NPP
400mg Suspension
150mg Anadrol
5'9" 224lbs

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This message is for soundoff. Wats up bro? I was interested in your post where you was listing beginner cycles because its almose tha same as the one I'm bout to start in a couple months. Going to be my second cycle and only differance in mine and the one you listed was I'm gona stack D-bol in the beginning with my Test E. On the part where you listed taken Adex 1 every 3 days when needed was jus wondering how those worked for you during cycle? I'm still stuck on if I',m going to take nov during and my AI in pct or use the AI during and nov or clomid for pct. How did it work for you?

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@getthatmoney like I said, recommended first cycle is Test E only cycle

Testosterone Enanthate 500mg per week for 12-14 weeks, you  should divide it in 2 shots, for ex: Monday and Thursday
Arimidex (Adex) 1 Every 3 days (if needed, at first signs of gyno)
PCT: 2 Weeks after last pin Nolvadex (nolva) 40/40/20/20 - after Test E cycle your body gets shut down, and this is needed to restore your natural levels of testosterone

Testosterone Blooded!

Stats and Current Cycle
25 years old
On Second Cycle 20 Weeks
Sustanon 650mg PW
Masteron Prop 100mg EOD

DO NOT PM ME FOR SOURCES because here's what I use:
