First cycle nearly ...
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First cycle nearly done. One question?

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What's up there bro's? I've been sort of absent from here for the least 9 or so weeks, but between the gym, school, work, sleep, and this first cycle I've barely had time to breath.

So I started my first cycle of test e@ 500mg/week about 9 1/2 weeks ago. I've put on a solid 26 lbs. during this time and have honestly never felt better in my entire life. My stats are as follows.

Pre-Cycle: Weight: 147 lbs.
BF %: 12%
Height: 5'8"
Age: 26

9.5 weeks into cycle: Weight: 173 lbs.
BF %: 13-14% (Could just be some water)

Strength gains are through the roof. I still can't help but be amused when I go to the gym and I'm cranking out weight that guys 20-30 lbs. bigger are struggling with.

I have one question I was wondering if one of the regs might be able to answer for me though. My last shot was supposed to be next week, but for some reason I came up slightly short in my vials. So my last shot was today, but I only had enough to give myself about 1/2 a CC as opposed to a full one like usual. My question is should I still wait the full two week before beginning PCT?

I've been taking Aroma and HCG throughout this cycle and am finishing with clomid and Aroma. I'm assuming the answer is to wait the two weeks. but I just want to make sure.

I'll update with some pics here as soon as I can scrounge some up. Thanks ahead of time bros.

kim doug
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26 pounds in 9.5 weeks! holy crap, what did your diet before and after look like?

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Posted by: kim doug
26 pounds in 9.5 weeks! holy crap, what did your diet before and after look like?

My diet prior was pretty lean. Right around 1700-2000 calories/day. I have a hectic life to put it best, and even though it sounds silly, finding enough time to cram the calories I needed down my throat was very difficult.

Once I started the cycle, I literally crammed my fridge with every mass building food I could think of. At the beginning of every week you couldn't even fit a water bottle in that thing if your life depended on it. I started eating at least every 3 hours, and even made myself sick a couple of times just trying to get those few extra calories in.

These guys on here who tout the diet as being the big thing in your cycle, could not have been more right.Eating is what has really allowed me to do this.

kim doug
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I don't mean to derail your original question, but it would be nice to see some before and after pics of your progress. Good going!

Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 180

Great job!... Yes you wait the 2 weeks... make sure you end the HCG 4 days before PCT starts...


Wanting to avoid negative sides?

Thinking of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, called TRT? ...

You've come to the right place for that type of questions...


Asking me where to buy or anything about purchasing steroids will first get you a warning then banning if that type of questioning continues... No exceptions! Don't even joke about it!

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Posted by: Visions
Great job!...Yes you wait the 2 weeks... make sure you end the HCG 4 days before PCT starts...


As always, Visions ftw! Thanks bro.

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Posted by: kim doug
I don't mean to derail your original question, but it would be nice to see some before and after pics of your progress. Good going!

I took a couple today. Problem is they are with a lousy old camera phone and don't really end up showing how I actually look. I also had to take them myself due to my girl being out of town, but you can still see the size increase, just the muscle structure didn't show up that well. Hard to pose holding a camera phone to boot! I'll try to get them up here in a little bit.
