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First Cycle

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Some people will cut up on a steroid that isn't necessarily a "cutting" steroid per se,but everybody is different. It depends on your level of aromatase enzyme activity, and your diet and workout regimens. Obviously if you eat for cuts and do cardio you will have a greater chance of getting ripped. If you eat for size and train for size and cut out cardio you will big, but maybe a little bloated. Personally i don't like the whole idea at all. You have broken three rules that result in a good safe cycle. First, ya wanna use juice after 3 months of trainin. Bad bad bad, cuz your poor joints and connective tissues are not strong enough yet. I hope to god your biceps don't disattach from the bone or your pec ripps off. Second, your not using any deca. Now im not sayin you NEED need deca, but it's bad enough that you're doing this cycle with only 3 months of training, your joints could use some extra support And three, ya wanna cut while on the juice. Personally i don't believe using juice for cutting is the best idea. I like to get size on them and thats it. Cutting is something that can be done naturally with diet and discipline, but gaining superhuman size is something your should spend steroid mony on. Also, if you have nothin to cut up, then why the hell are ya cuttin. Just lose weight if ya wanna lose weight. Well, it doesn't matter ya already started so, good luck to ya.

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Hey man just read your post. Definately do the sus 250 twice a week monday and wedns this will let you take more advantage of the prop in it. I would run the sus at 500mg's a week the whole time. Here's the deal man the sus want really kick in till the 4th or 5th week so running it for 8 weeks is gunna piss you off. I promise. i did 8 weeks when I started and at the end I decided to run it for 16 weeks. I love sus. It makes you hold far less water than any other long acting test. So here's the deal 1st cycle run the sus at 500mg's a weeks ( split into 2 injections per week). For more solid gains start taking clomid 2 weeks after last shot. Ftake 100mg a day for 10 days. This is a very generic cycle. Good for your first cycle. There is much to learn and this is a great board to start. Please let me emphasize the need for the clomid. If you cant get a hold of it try to get HCG or even Nolvadex . You will kick yourself in the ass if you dont use some kind of anti estrogen or HCG. Just to let you know these componds are not to be feared they have very minimal side effects. The sides to the SUS will far outway the sides to the anti E's. If you have any questions PM me. Peace bro.

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takes sust 3 weeks to clear your system.. pct should start 3 weeks after last injection of sust.. run pct for at least 3 weeks.. 300mg day 1, 100mg day 2-11 and 50mg day 12-21..

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Start the PCT 3 weeks after you last shot.

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Thanks for the godd advise folks. Finishing off 3rd week. Split doses as sugested. Splitting of doses has really helped with the injection site pain. Got some small (pepper corn sized) bumps around one of my nyples. Started taking 20mg/day of nolva. Is this dose enough? My nipples are not sore or getting enlarged, but I did have a bit of itching around nipple in question. What should I watch for now? How long before this goes away or I change dose or try something else? By the way, my workouts have been getting better. I am lifting considerably heavier. No weight gains to report though. Been on 3500 cals/day and about 160 gms of protein on top of my food intake. Keeping food clean and being hungry like a mother......r Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you folks.

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As far as pct, I am blessed to live right next to old Mexico. Can cross border and get all the get big/feel good gear I need from the friendly Mexican Pharmacists and be back at the Gym in no time. So Clomid is not a problem for me to get.

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Originally posted by 1ST2JUICE My nipples are not sore or getting enlarged, but I did have a bit of itching around nipple in question. Start the Nolvadex NOW. Itching nips are the first sign of gyno. I really wish I had done this on my first few cycles. I'll be paying for that mistake by getting gyno surgery in the near future...

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Hello folks, Just checking back. Nipple itching has not totally resolved. I have gained 11 lbs. since last time I reported. I am now finishing 4th week of cycle. Question: Should I Increase the Nolvadex? I am currently taking 20 mg/day.

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