Feed back on my nex...
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Feed back on my next cycle.

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Hi guys, I was just hoping you could answer me a question and as allways give me your "thoughts, fears or ideas" on my next cycle.

Stats are- 5'10, 90Kg, and have been training for almost 5 years. This will also be my 5th cycle. Nutrition will be based on a +/- 3700cals / day split the usual 60, 30, 10.

My cycle will consist of :-

Wks 1-15, Sustaxyl 350 @ 700/wk (2 shots/week)
Wks 1-4, NPP 150 @ 400/wk (2 shots/week)
Wks 1-4, Dbol @ 40mg/day
Wks 1-15, deca(wks 1-4 @250/week) + (wks 5-15 @ 500/week)
Wks 5-13, Provirion @ 100mg/day
Wks 12-15 winny(tabs) @ 50mg/day

PCT will be as allways clomid and Nolva. Stepping down over, about 21 to 28 days.

I would really like to hear any advice or critisism or any other comments from you guys. I appreciate the massive knowladge base that we have here, and would like to hear all your thoughts (good or bad ) This should have been my winter bulker but had to be set back.

Which also brings me to my question. I also have HCG and cabasar for this cycle but seeing as I've never used cabasar and never run HCG and prov together I'm not sure how I should incoperate these into the cycle (if their needed at all). So if anyone could help me out with this, either from personal experience or from the science side, I'd be extremely greatfull.

Many thanks in advance.
Cariad mawr i chi gyd! WD.

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Posts: 77

It looks pretty well laid out. But here are my thoughts...

-I think 100mg of Proviron is too much. 50mg should to fine.
-I think you need to take the Adropen spread out more to take adv of the short esters. eod is best but 3x per week works good as well.
-I think you should take the NPP 150 3x per week as well since it is fast acting. Take advantage of the short esters...it will also keep your blood levels stable.
-Need to get a liver clenser in there. Liv52 is ideal.
-I would run HCG at 500iu from week 3 up until PCT.
-Cabaser would be smart at .5mg e3d.
-I personally loved my PCT consisting of Aroma and Clomid. I seemed to have bounced back much better than the traditional Nolva/Clomid. I think it would be smart if you picked up an AI like Aroma or Letro in case you run into gyno issues.

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Rulez is on point with his recommendations. What i think would be optimal though is to run the Sustaxyl 350 and NPP 150 .5cc of each eod. This will keep your blood levels stable and may increase gains and will definately lower sides. Definately run cabaser (.5mg 2x per week) and lower the proviron to 50mg. After you finish the NPP 150 you can cut back on the Sustaxyl 350 to three shots per week (.66 or .7cc) but i would not reduce the frequency of injections any lower than that. Run the regular deca as you have laid out 2x per week. Are you planning on running any HCG on cycle???

Any opinions expressed by gustavo77 with regards to AAS or prescription drugs (non-narcotic, as narcotic discussion is prohibited on this site) are for role playing purposes only, as gustavo77 is a fictional internet personality. In addition, please do not PM me regarding any source, purchase or sale related to AAS or prescription drugs (narcotic and non-narcotic) as I have no knowledge of these issues and do not condone the use of any drugs unless prescribed by a physician.

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Fantastic! Thanks for the tips guys, I'll be sure to incoperate them into this cycle. I'll be sure to keep everyone informed on how it goes.

And as for your last question gustavo..... I am now, 500iu from week 3 to pct!!!!!!!!

Thanks again fellas, all the best!

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Posts: 159
Posted by: Welsh Dragon
Fantastic! Thanks for the tips guys, I'll be sure to incoperate them into this cycle. I'll be sure to keep everyone informed on how it goes.

And as for your last question gustavo..... I am now, 500iu from week 3 to pct!!!!!!!!

Thanks again fellas, all the best!

No problem bro!!Now if you are taking only 500iu/wk of HCG, split it up into two shots of 250iu..one on mon, one wed.

Any opinions expressed by gustavo77 with regards to AAS or prescription drugs (non-narcotic, as narcotic discussion is prohibited on this site) are for role playing purposes only, as gustavo77 is a fictional internet personality. In addition, please do not PM me regarding any source, purchase or sale related to AAS or prescription drugs (narcotic and non-narcotic) as I have no knowledge of these issues and do not condone the use of any drugs unless prescribed by a physician.
