Equipoise and the h...
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Equipoise and the heart...?

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I know EQ makes you vascular and is a good steroid to take. I have a mild heart mummer, would this be ok to take...or should i stay away from it. I have never experenced any heart problems ever. and have cycled once before.

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I used eq in my first cycle and I also have a heart murmer from when I was born....Everthing wnet well for me

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thanks for the reply.........anyone else...?

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I'd see a doc about this espicially mitral valve prolapse. You can cause some pretty crazy damage. Better safe then dead.

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Why take the risk? Sure it's nice to be big, but I'd rather be alive!

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i am with freddie on this!:D

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Originally posted by 2thebarAZ I know EQ makes you vascular and is a good steroid to take. I have a mild heart mummer, would this be ok to take...or should i stay away from it. I have never experenced any heart problems ever. and have cycled once before. Well, if you did it ONCE before and didn't die... Why would you even consider a risk like that? If you absolutely must use gear, I'd do a couple things. 1. Go see a cardiologist and get a full EKG stress test. 2. Tell a doctor (not YOUR doctor, or anybody in your medical system if you are insured) what you want to do. Listen to his advice. 3. Think long and hard about whether the risks are worthwhile to you. If you search back about a month, you can find a post from someone titled "I'm 25 and had a heart attack??" or something to that effect.
