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Englands First Cycle Guide

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ok question when i get my bf down natturally i will obviosly wan't to run a bilk cycle if i wanted to substitute sust instead of cyp or enth would i want to up the dose since its a multy ester, unlike the cyp and enth also i kinda want to use EQ instead of deca cause i already have 20ml of 200mg/ml would i run that at 400a week or 200 like it said for deca how much nolva do i need on hand? i would go with arimedex but the price is too high for the lower dose than some take thanks

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Posted by: swollneck
ok question when i get my bf down natturally i will obviosly wan't to run a bilk cycle if i wanted to substitute sust instead of cyp or enth would i want to up the dose since its a multy ester, unlike the cyp and enth also i kinda want to use eq instead of deca cause i already have 20ml of 200mg/ml would i run that at 400a week or 200 like it said for deca how much nolva do i need on hand? i would go with arimedex but the price is too high for the lower dose than some take thanks

unless you already have the sust, i would use the enth or cyp instead. cost wise the sust is more expensive to use and will not be as effective unless you plan on running it every other day.with the multi esters in sust, during the first 3-4 weeks the short esters will be almost totally ineffective if you only run it 1-2 shots(amps) per week. once the long esters kick in then the short esters will become more effective.

yes you can run eq instead of deca and 400mg per week is a good dosage to use. gains will come slower from eq than they would from deca but are more of the lean mass kind. deca tends to cause some bloating which is one of the reasons why you see much bigger gains from it than eq.
you probably will not need to run an anti-e until about the 4th week then you can start using nolva at 20mg ed to help prevent gyno.arimidex is a great choice and although the cost is more, one packet will last you for a few cycles since the dosing you would use, .5mg eod is low.unless you know 100% for sure that you would only ever run 1 cycle then arimidex is a good buy.

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thanks for the info, one cycle hugh? to this date i got 5 friends and each and everyone of them all said" I just need to put on like 15 or 20 lbs and then I'm done" are the arimedex scored cause the are img tabs if not i got a pill cutter

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yeah, i also have friends who stated that they were only going to do 1 cycle and now 7-8 later they have no plans on stopping LOL
not sure about the adex tabs. mr x will have to answer that one as i havent purchased any yet. i will be ordering them very soon though.

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well first i was thinking just one cycle, i'm currently on my first cycle but already want to start planning the second...lol...so it def don't work out like you think it will
