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Dbol 50 mg's??

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hey guys. i know i've been on here asking quite a few questions but here i go again. i just got some 50 mg Dbol. i am currently taking 7 5mg Dbol per day. the guy i'm training with which a well accomplished powerlifter (but also a little crazy) wants me to try my usaual 35 mg Dbol per day plus one 50 mg Dbol. that would make it 85mg's a day. he wants me to try this for a week just to see what happens. i'm also taking test, E.Q. and deca. what do you guys think? just for a week!

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ive never heard of anyone taking that much dbol in a day... not only will it kill ur liver its probably not gonna do all that much more... i mean ur gonna gain really well of 35mg a day, y push the envelope?? i say if ur really interested in doing that much dbol, work ur way up, dont just more than double ur dosage in one day

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sounds crazy... i was on 30 mg dbol ED and after a few weeks I had problems walking from such bad pains. At 85 mg your looking for death

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"My training partner wants me to jump off the Empire State building , just to see what happens ,what do you guys think. Should I do it?" Don't be so stupid bro.If he wants to do it tell him to do it himself..........

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Originally posted by AGONIST Don't be so stupid bro.If he wants to do it tell him to do it himself.......... thoughts exactly. 😀

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hey iceydapimp, what kinda pains you talking about? cause i'm experiencing all kinds of joint pains in my shoulders and lower back. can't figure out what it is though.

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had some joint pains as well as pain from in hell lower back and sides. for a few days it even hurt to pee. I wont mess with dbol again..... it made me way strong in a short period of time, but now worth the sides.

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bump it to 50mg a day if n e thing

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hey have you guys ever experienced any joint pains like in the shoulders or lower back because of Dbol? i've been having major pains but never thought of it being because of Dbol but then i was talking to a guy today who is currently taking russian Dbol and says he is constantly in pain. any info??

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lower back pain is a common side effect of dbol. Lots of people get it. try taking a lot of asprin or ibubrofin, it helps.

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thats good to know. ever experience any shoulder problems with Dbol? my shoulders are in constant pain. i got a massage last night and the knots in my back/shoulder blade area was retarded. don't know if it's cause i'm going too hard and should rest a bit or if its common because of Dbol and should just work through it. kinda doesn't make sense to me to spend all this money on some gear and then have to take a couple of days rest on the of my rest days just to give my shoulders a break. waddayathink?

Killer Quads81
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Thats not the dbol bro, most likely bad form as a result of going too heavy.

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ok, you're probably right. now do i go with less weight and better form or do i suffer through the pain and keep going heavy? remember i'm in my wieght gaining cycle, probably another 2 or 3 weeks then i go into my cutting cycle. am i still going to see mass gains if i go down in weight?

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only a suggestion here , but do you pyramid ? , i mean i guess most ppl do , i know some dont do this , but if u dont know what pyramiding up is , its when the weights increase and your reps go down , example say u did all ya warm up sets then u come to your first proper set , use a weight that you know you will only handle 10 - 12 i go for 15 - 20 for my first proper set ( cause i like to get the energy out fast and then increase weight and blast em hard ) 🙂 - but thats me , then just slowly inrease the weight depending on what muscles im targeting every set i would increase 10 kilo or so , then when your doing something else moving to another machine or free weighted excercise obviously start the pyramid all over again , ive always had the fastest results from pyramiding upwards , and remember no more than 12 - 15 sets of excercise in total when you got workout , but you probably knew this and like i say its a suggestion , Digi

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50 mgs/day seems quiet enough, no matter how big or experienced you are. I've heard of some bros doing 75 of oxi! and that seems crazy to me. Trust me, your liver will greatly appreciate that you don't push it.

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