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Cyclocross Cycle

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With the cyclocross season coming to an end, I am trying to setup my '08-'09 plans. With the intensity and short duration of a cyclocross race, is E still ped front runner by the margin it would be for a road racer? Throughout the road season, I am more likly to do short duration races and do not have the testing concerns that can arrise during the cyclocross season. I have heard mention of Tbol, winny, halo, test for lower duration/ higher intensity. Madtrack has given so good info on his results with winny and tbol -- are there users out there that focus on the cyclocross season as more than just a way to stay fit that could offer their recommendations/ experiences?

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Good to see an Cx'er! I'm sure the consensus on this board will be that e is still the best for the enduro guys.
Gonna be starting a cycle of HGH/E/ along with the TestE that I'm already doing in Feb or March. Lots of good info here. Check out RG's threads and that will help answer many of your questions.

BKK117 Flying somewhere in the USA.
"Helicopter pilots don't fly, they beat the air into submission!"

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Re: Cyclocross Cycle

Posted by: Piston
With the cyclocross season coming to an end, I am trying to setup my '08-'09 plans. With the intensity and short duration of a cyclocross race, is E still ped front runner by the margin it would be for a road racer? Throughout the road season, I am more likly to do short duration races and do not have the testing concerns that can arrise during the cyclocross season. I have heard mention of tbol, winny, halo, test for lower duration/ higher intensity. Madtrack has given so good info on his results with winny and tbol -- are there users out there that focus on the cyclocross season as more than just a way to stay fit that could offer their recommendations/ experiences?

Hey mate i dont beleive i have ever given turanabol a big thumbs up ;winstrol depot yes.I think u mean tren,which i used on the track for kilo(endurance sprinting) and endurance(max distance 40km);it was awesome;but sides were a prob.i have just started a tren short cycle at lower dose than usual and i have not used tren for a couple of years.So far:mild insomnia and also got tren cough when doing shot(so i know tren is good)also feeling of well being(instead of usual irritability)first week so no strength or performance diff yet.I like Tren And it does work for strength/short medium endurance as "the clear"(balco)was tren acetate with a masking agent.I have used tbol;but not to a great degree or effect as i heard the oral tbol shuts down quick.I will keep u posted on tren cycle(which can also shut down ;but can be worth it)---35mg 1/2 ml 3x P/W. M/track

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madtrack --
I am sorry if it came across like you gave winny and tbol a positive. I believe you had found very little difference on tbol so stuck with winny which worked well. You had mentioned this in a previous CX question thread -- I was trying to bring together previous info.
I am very interested in the tren cycle so keep me in the loop.

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Hey Piston....Have had great results with a Tren/TestP blend...ran it for about 10 weeks and had great gains and never did notice any decreased cardio output. I did very small dose ed, would recommend it for off-season only.

Do you race CX only?? I race off-road tri's but this was my second season of CX.

BKK117 Flying somewhere in the USA.
"Helicopter pilots don't fly, they beat the air into submission!"

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I will do some research for sure on the tren-test stack. I race on the road though have never been able to make that break through -- though I have not worked with needles previously. Roommates and teammates make it a complicated option. CX has been a little more natural and steady a progression but I am still not making the jump to be a pro-level threat. My training is getting more and more established and specific though my ped experience may be lagging behind.
For test, andriol seems to not be very popular with the bb'ers. Is it useful at all or more wasteful of money?

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Andriol or androxon work well for some;but not for others ;i love it ;but only use for reco not for specific cycle.This method works for me;but can make test levels fluctute;it has very little sides.M/track
