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Cycle Suggestions

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Hey guys,

I'm just throwing out the question to everyone to see what sort of response and differences we can pull together with the following supplies I either have or am getting in. Just basically looking for comparisons of cycles from everyone (without having to give out details of weight, age, diet, training etc) just a simple comparison as everyone is different.
See what cycles we can put together with this:

deca 250
TEST 300
D-bol 10mg
Primobolan depot 100mg

Anavar 10mg
TEST 300

CLENBUTEROL (a back up for more fat loss)

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I don't see how proper and safe advice can be given without stats. If everyone were to chime in and post what combinations worked best for THEM, then how does that benefit YOU?

I'm going to stay out of this one.


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Posts: 159

Even though N.V.S. does not need a bump, i will bump her anyway. We really need to know your age, stats, training and cycle experience to give you the best advise possible.

Any opinions expressed by gustavo77 with regards to AAS or prescription drugs (non-narcotic, as narcotic discussion is prohibited on this site) are for role playing purposes only, as gustavo77 is a fictional internet personality. In addition, please do not PM me regarding any source, purchase or sale related to AAS or prescription drugs (narcotic and non-narcotic) as I have no knowledge of these issues and do not condone the use of any drugs unless prescribed by a physician.

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The subject is a simple comparison test to see exactly how people spread out their cycle with the gear stated, it's not a personal "give me advice" help question as I am already very experienced in my own cycles.

What i'm trying to investigate is that as much as everyone claims to have expertise knowledge of cycles and AAS (including myself), we are all individuals and all have different opinions and visions and we all respond differently to certain chemicals, mixtures etc. I we were all the same, we'd all be a bunch of Ronnie Coleman clones.

I'm doing an independent study on peoples experiences etc.

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Well your initial post was vague and it seemed like you had some gear on hand and wanted to see what kind of cycles you could put together. At least that is how I saw it. Why did you pick these drugs in particular though? How does this particular drug selection benefit your research? Just curious...


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Really it depends on what you are looking to do. Are we talking bulking? Pre contest cycle? Is it for a rec lifter or a competitor? Is the competitor a local competitor or National level? There are so many variables here. I can come up with many different cycles but they all vary on who it's for.

Forecast for tomorrow- A few sprinkles of genius with a chance of DOOM!- Stewey Griffin

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BUMP buffD....there are so many ways you could mix those looks like you have them set up as 2 different cycles...if thats the case the top one has Tren And deca in it which alot of people will tell you not to run together

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I don't see the purpose of throwing a bunch of compounds out there so one can put various combinations together. There are so many different ways to run those compounds I could sit here all night and come up with different ways to put it all together...seems like only an academic exersise to me.

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The possible combinations are limitless and so to try to make up possible cycles would take forever. Like what has been said, goals, stats, etc are needed to help come up with 1 cycle since there will be many derivations of those even to help you reach your goals.

If I want to add flavor to my cooking. . . . . . . I just burn it

There is NO such thing as over training just under EATING. ~ Trey Brewer
