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cycle question and diet

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please critique the following cycle and diet: stats: 30yrs. old, 6'0", 205lbs cycle: sus250 500mg/wk - wk-12 deca 400mg/wk - wk1-10 adex .25mg ED winny 50mg ED - wk1-4, 8-12 clen wk1/2, 5/6, 9/10, 13/14 t3 starting at .25mcg up to .75mcg then back down cardio 5 times per week for 20min on bike diet: protein: 250-300g per day carbs: 200-250g per day fat: 30-40g per day calories: 2000 per day I'm trying to maintain a low calorie intake as to not gain too much BF in the process. Goal is to put on some mass. What are you thoughts on the cycle and diet....any help is greatly appreciated.

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Do you have any idea what your BF% is right now? You might want to eat a few more calories if you want mass because you will gain less with all the cardio/T3/clen. With T3/clen/cardio you can also eat a little more carbs so you have more energy/intensity to lift. Alternate the clen offwks w/ ECA. More clean calories + more frequent meals = more mass, but don't over do the carbs except after workouts. Stay around 3,000 calories. I am a little taller and heavier, and those few calories will leave you exhausted with the T3. Also, you want to hit the winny for the last 8 wks rather than 1-4, 8-12. Keep on updating with your progress. Good luck-- it looks good. Make sure you have post cycle covered as well.

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thanks for the advice bro, it is greatly appreciated. what do you think are some healthy carbs to hit post workout? not sure no the BF % now, will have to pick up something to measure it with so I have a base and somewhat close of an idea of where I stand today. Just started cycle this week, but been training for about 10 years, so BF% should not be too bad, at least I hope not 🙂 also, for PCT I will be using clomid starting 2 weeks after last injection at: 300mg day 1 100mg ED for 10 days 50ED for last 10 days also, with the diet depicted as before, what are some attainable goals, 15-20lbs...

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k first off id only run winny weeks 8 to 12.. running it from 1-4 is a waste and is gonna be really hard on ur kidneys... also cut the cardio bro, 1 day/wk MAX... if u trying to gain mass then do that, dont try and cut weight at the same time, keep that for after the cycle, plus the clen ur running will keep u in check... that being said ur fat intake is way too low, it should be btwn 15-20% during a mass cycle, urs is at like 7% that is the fat % most ppl eat when they are cutting up... remember roids pretty much accentuate ur diet, u gotta give urself the rite stuff... id up the carbs a bit too i know ur goal is "to maintain a low calorie intake as to not gain too much BF in the process" but truthfully this is unrealistic

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i hear ya, thanks for the advice.

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anytime 🙂

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gotgear is right for a mass cycle. You need more calories in the way of fat--almonds, flax oil, hemp oil, evening primrose, etc... are all good sources. Just make sure if you want to keep your BF% low you don't overdo the carbs because they will cause you to retain water/bloat. Eat a shitload of carbs after your workout with protein drink, and an hour later with meal. This will induce an insulin spike which will be beneficial for recovery and protein synthesis. Just don't eat a lot more carbs after that. The only thing I would do is a little more cardio if you do notice you are starting to bloat during wks 1-8, maybe 3xwk 20 min of low intensity walking/running but not enough to burn the calories you need for mass.

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thanks bro.

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Originally posted by chicoroid please critique the following cycle and diet: stats: 30yrs. old, 6'0", 205lbs cycle: sus250 500mg/wk - wk-12 deca 400mg/wk - wk1-10 adex .25mg ED winny 50mg ED - wk1-4, 8-12 clen wk1/2, 5/6, 9/10, 13/14 T3 starting at .25mcg up to .75mcg then back down cardio 5 times per week for 20min on bike diet: protein: 250-300g per day carbs: 200-250g per day fat: 30-40g per day calories: 2000 per day I'm trying to maintain a low calorie intake as to not gain too much BF in the process. Goal is to put on some mass. What are you thoughts on the cycle and diet....any help is greatly appreciated. Well here we go. Run the cycle like this: Sus 250 eod shots weeks 1-2, 2 shots a week weeks 3-12. Deca weeks 1-2 600 mgs, weeks 3-11 400 mgs. Winny weeks 8-14 50 mgs ed. PCT at week 15. U want to put on some mass, but u are doing cardio, 5 times a week, taking clen and T3? And only eating 2000 cal a day? Bro, U be lucky to gain 1 lb. I bet money u will lose weight. Cut all of that out. Except run the clen 2 weeks weeks 15-16 with PCT. Dont run the ari unless u have to....and if your hell bent to run it through the cycle, go .25 mgs ed or .5 mg eod....or run it in 3 day bursts per week....3 days on 4 off... U didnt mention that u had clomid. For future ref, if u are doing a cutting cycle...and u want to run clen throughout, run it the weeks u had that u are running it the first 2 weeks of PCT, and generally not the first 2 weeks of any cycle. I cant say I like T3 myself. I like my normal functioning u WILL crash after T3 use....meaning dispite what anyone tells u, U WILL GAIN BACK WEIGHT!!! that 2 weeks after u come off T3, u must be very careful..u should be running clen, u should be ON gear and u have to WATCH your diet. The only time I would consider running T3 is if im on GH, but seeing as I can buy Oh, a years supply of test for the price of 1 mo of GH I cant see that happening...although I am curious.

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thanks again bro, much appreciated!

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your caloric intake for a mass cycle is way off. at least 3000 and it really depends on your body weight. 300g protein a must. I personally thin you can get away with 3 30 minute sessions of moderate intensity cardio. Screw the clen and the t3 till cutting time.
