Cycle Preperation C...
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Cycle Preperation Cycle

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I am planning a cycle to get ready for an upcoming event. There is a possibility of testing, so fast acting compounds will be used, I am more worried about the detection length of PCT products. I would assume something like clomid, to hang around for about 5 weeks, with this taken into account, PCT is very short.

Wk 1 T.Suspension 50mg 3x, Slin on off days,winny 50mg oral ED
Wk 2 T.Suspension 50mg 3x, Slin on off days, Winny 50mg oral ED
Wk 3 T.Suspension 50mg 3x, Slin on off days, Winny 50mg oral ED
Wk 4 T.Suspension 50mg 3x, Slin on off days, EPO 3k sq 3x
Wk 5 HMG, IGF 20-40mcg PWO, EPO 3k sq 3x, Clomid 100mg ED
Wk 6 IGF 20-40mg PWO, EPO 3k sq 3x,
Wk 7 EPO 3k iv 3x
Wk 8
Wk 9 Event
Wk 10 Proper PCT

The goals of this cycle will be to accelerate rate of recovery, especially in the first part of the cycle, when training volume and intensity are highest. And then to focus more on the aerobic end of things towards the end.

Input is appreciated.

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hey my good brother...
the only comment i can make is the winny. never done it...but to scared. NOT good on tendons...and CRAMPS!!!
who knows...perhaps for a short period.

never done t-sup either...but hear that hurts. like w/ t-prop...the pain outweighs the benifits (IMO/exp).

might check in w/ one of the new guys around here...clarke and z00 (i think thats what they go by)
regarless, both of those bros sound like they have exp. w/ the serious shit. to includerace race level/cat.

i'll be giving you a shout via other means. listen out....


BTW: fellas dv8 is a solid guy.

whatever it takes !!

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Test susp. is a good idea, I use it sometimes also mainly 4 reco. I also use winny to good effect, only sides I get are high lipid profiles.I would check the winny out first just to make sure u dont get joint/tendon probs .I have found 10mg 3 x p/d to be enough for endurance if u want xtra strength --track etc then 40-50mg p/d. Why are u using slin and Igf1? --I would and do use HGH.Slin can be dangerous for endurance hypo-gly. etc. and u can put on weight using Igf 1. If u have used E B4 then do 20kiu p/w for 2 weeks,4 weeks B4 event. If not Then ur 9kiu p/w is ok ;but start it a week earlier,U MUST GET FE STORES AND LEVELS CHECKED B4 U START E. Also read epo sticky.Winny clears system in 2-3 weeks so I would also continue to week 5. I would skip the Clomid till proper can make u feel shit. Hmg /HCG is good 250iu 2p/w .Winny is an anti-E so it will also help.I would alsokeep some nolva on hand as test susp is potent gear even at that low dose.M/track

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MT, why do you think winny is an anti-e?

I wonder how test base dissolved in DMSO massaged into tired muscles would do for recovery...


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Posted by: jboldman
MT, why do you think winny is an anti-e?

I wonder how test base dissolved in DMSO massaged into tired muscles would do for recovery...


It is not an Anti-E per se;but it does help rid the body of water caused by other AAS and it in no way converts to E .M/track

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I have read something about the use of slin in relation to test an shbg, used on alternate days the slin allows the body to use more of the free test.

I have experience with Slin and E. I may skip the IGF, I tried a short run with it and seemed to have some cramping issues which were potentially related. Realizing that slin is one of the most dangerous substances to use, I feel the benefit to be amazing, recovery is simply awesome given proper time and usage.

Back to cramps... I may cut the winny in 1/2, its addition is one of those: "Well, I have it, I may as well use it."

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I have also been wondering about the use of test base in DMSO, You could probably fly under the radar with this.


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you would think it would be in and out so long as it was not applied in a fatty area. test is VERY soluble in DMSO and although the result is systemic youcannot argue that it would be introduced very close to the muscle tissue that you want to see the action in.

