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Cycle Planning

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Hey guys I am wondering in general if you guys are doing a cycle like 200mg EQ with 125mg Test or something similar, would you race with it if you could? I am in untested races in the winter but I am wondering if you are worse off cardiovascularly because of the roids. I can either start my cycle later fall (8-10 wks) run a 3wk PCT then race. or, i can time my cycle so that I am in my last few wks of the cycle during my winter races. which is better?

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Based on my small experience base, there are positives and negatives to racing while on AAS. The positives include improved strength, a certain mental clarity/ confidence/ asertivness, and quicker recovery which helps a lot in getting ready for the next race, recovering from the last race, and making the most of the time between.
The negatives -- increased weight is a common problem with the cycle you are talking about. EQ and test increase my appatite, cause me to hold water, and increase muscle size. The weight is more to carry and the larger muscles will use more of the limited oxygen available. There is also the length of the season vs. the length of the cycle. I still havn't found the right cycle length for myself, but on a 10-12 week cycle I start to feel sluggish like by body's toxins level is too high. Just sort of foggy. This does not really cause issues with racing, but my training in between does tend to suffer from lack of focus. Then you have to think about PCT in the middle of the race group or season. I have had times when I felt fine and times when I felt tired.
This is more an outline of my experiences than an answer to you question, but as I said I don't have as much experience as a lot of guys on here.

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no thanks alot that is a very helpful perspective. i am also curious if the eq and test will cause painful pumps for me while I am racing?

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Joined: 7 years ago
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EQ is only really effective at 16 weeks;it will shut u down badly and u will put on weight,are the negatives.Strength and raise in Hb are the positives.I have done 3x 16 week EQ cycles 400mg P/W (Boldabal H)
over the 16 weeks Hb went up 2g/dl which is not alot;but when training hard can be very beneficial;i did not supp fe during these periods;only normal vit/minerals etc. EQ is cool;but some U/G products are not good;rather go for Vet brands like Boldebal,if u can get it.Test should be used with EQ to help with sex drive.M/track
