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cycle in detail... pro bros FDBK?

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previous post... Sustaplex 325 and Methanoplex 6 week cycle?

Update, this is what i have.

24ml test-e 250mg
400 tabs d-bol
200 tabs winny
6 HCG 1500iu
50 clomid 50mg tabs
50 nolva tabs
45 Exeplex 25mg tabs

so im thinking...

week 1-10: test-e 600mg/week (shot every 3 days)
week 1-6: 40mg d-bol ed

week 8-12: 50mg winny

week 1-12: Proviron
week 5-11: hcg 1500iu/week

week 13-15: 150/100/50mg Clomid ed
Nolva as and when

Liv52 + Vits 24/7

does this look ok, need help on ancillaries/winny more than anything.

(shot every 3 days, 24ml over exactly 10 weeks which is 600mg week)

i am aware its recommended to do 1000iu/week throughout cycle, but i dont have anywhere to store it in fridge... so will the proposed dosage be fine?

im guessing taking winny that soon after d-bol isnt long enough of a rest??

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i think you should cut the dbol down to about 4 weeks. running it longer than that isnt that great. a lot of people say to run for 4 weeks. and then you have a longer break for the winnie. correct me if im wrong just repeating what iv been told..

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cheers division, il take that on board... may be good idea considerin i will be takin winny towards the end.

has anyone else got any opinions?

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does anyone else have any opinions, does it look ok??? cheers

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Posted by: bjjdpp
previous post... Sustaplex 325 and Methanoplex 6 week cycle?

Update, this is what i have.

24ml test-e 250mg
400 tabs d-bol
200 tabs winny
6 hcg 1500iu
50 clomid 50mg tabs
50 Nolva tabs
45 Exeplex 25mg tabs

so im thinking...

week 1-10: test-e 600mg/week (shot every 3 days)
week 1-6: 40mg d-bol ed

week 8-12: 50mg winny

week 1-12: Proviron
week 5-11: hcg 1500iu/week

week 13-15: 150/100/50mg Clomid ed
Nolva as and when

Liv52 + Vits 24/7

does this look ok, need help on ancillaries/winny more than anything.

(shot every 3 days, 24ml over exactly 10 weeks which is 600mg week)

i am aware its recommended to do 1000iu/week throughout cycle, but i dont have anywhere to store it in fridge... so will the proposed dosage be fine?

im guessing taking winny that soon after d-bol isnt long enough of a rest??

Cycle looks good bro, just needs a little tweaking...first i would run the test @500mg/wk for 12 weeks rather than 600mg/wk for 10, you will get much better results this way.Bump on the d-bol, 4 weeks is enough.The winny you can run right till the day before you start pct, so running it week 8-12 is perfect.

Next you really should run the HCG all the way through your cycle....500iu 2x per week starting week 1, no later than week 2.I guess if you cannot do this way then the protocol you have will just have to suffice, just keep the dosage at 1000iu total per week.If you want you can do a couple of 1000iu shots e3rd day to kick start but keep the dose at 500iu 2x per week for maintenance....i would look for a way to store your HCG though cause running it throughout your entire cycle will make a huge difference in recovery.For pct run the clomid @100mg/day for 3 weeks and run some aromasin @25mg/day for 4-5 weeks.No need for the nolva in your pct bro, just use it if you get gyno symptoms on cycle.

Any opinions expressed by gustavo77 with regards to AAS or prescription drugs (non-narcotic, as narcotic discussion is prohibited on this site) are for role playing purposes only, as gustavo77 is a fictional internet personality. In addition, please do not PM me regarding any source, purchase or sale related to AAS or prescription drugs (narcotic and non-narcotic) as I have no knowledge of these issues and do not condone the use of any drugs unless prescribed by a physician.

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I agree w/gustavo

Run it like this
wk 1-12 Test E @ 500mg/wk
wk 1-4 D-bol @ 50mg/day
wk 8-12 Winny @ 50mg/day

HCG is good
PCT looks good
If u run nolvadex & proviron u shouldn't have to break out the aromasin on this type of cycle.

You have enough dbol to run it like this and with the 4 week break in between your liver should be fine. Plus d-bol and winny aren't near as bad as Anadrol and Halotestin. Milk Thistle and Liv-52 will help rid any toxins that may stress your liver too.

This is just my opinion though

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cheers for opinions!! appreciated...

just one questions, is aromasin like nolva? can see it on site! i have nolva, not aromasin.

is aromasin like... Arimidex, Aroma, Femara

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bump? anyones can help? cheers
