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Cycle Help

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Hi guys I need a little help with my next cycle. My first cycle was test cyp for 8 weeks at 400 mg injected every Monday. I also did pct with clomid at 100 mg a day for three weeks. I made some pretty decent gains for a first cycle but now it has been 3 months and ready to try another. Here is what I was thinking

Weeks 1-10 Sustaplex 0.5ml/cc eod
Weeks 1-10 Decaplex ?????
Weeks 1-5 40-50 mg Turanaplex ed

Clomid 100 mg/ed 3 weeks
Nolvadex 40 mg/ed 3weeks

I am 5’9 and weigh 181
BF between 11 and 14%
I want to gain some mass and lean out a little. Diet is in check at around 2500 calories. I also have on hand decaplex 275 and some D-bol, if any of these might make for a better cycle. Let me know what you guys think. Also would winny be a better substitute for turanaplex? Thanks for the help.

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what's up my man?? welcome to the board!

well, i like to keep things simple...

are you dead set on sustaplex?? if not, run enanthate, just like you ran the cyp...except, run it for 10-12 weeks!

if you're only wanting to "gain some mass and lean out a little", i would opt to not run the decaplex....

i would definitely try the Turanoplex...40-50mg/day for 5 weeks would give you a great jump start...

the key is running an AI like aromasin or adex throughout and having proper PCT! also, diet is your friend...

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Thanks for the good advice. I have just heard alot of good things about the sustaplex and already have it on hand. I may try to get my hands on some test e also. How much aromasin or adex should I run throughout my cycle? Thanks again man, you are a life saver.

Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 180

Turnaplex (50mg ed) + Duraplex(100mg eod) + Enanthate or Sust plus my recommendations in the Post Cycle Therapy forum...

The duraplex (fast ester) will kick in fast


Wanting to avoid negative sides?

Thinking of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, called TRT? ...

You've come to the right place for that type of questions...


Asking me where to buy or anything about purchasing steroids will first get you a warning then banning if that type of questioning continues... No exceptions! Don't even joke about it!
