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Cycle Help

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I am a female and in my twenties and I am wanting to start a cycle for the first time. I need advise on what to use and at what dosage. Yes, I am a little worried about the masculine changes to my voice however it is something I will be willing to deal with if need be. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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WELCOME I was wondering if you were going to make an appearance. I hope bell can help us out her.

there are other changes besides voice. what are your goals and stats?


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Thank you for helping to provide a forum in which people who really need the help can get it.

I am very interested in power lifting so I would imagine my goals are to gain knowledge first and then gain as much muscle as possible. I have not decided if I want to pursue competitive work, however I think I have a natural or genetic advantage to do so. I would first like to see how I do with my first cycle and go from there.

And I do not mean to sound naive or inexperienced (even though I am) but what do you mean by “Stats” ?

Thank you,


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-Hey Girl,
This is a great forum, you will learn a lot. Have fun and good luck.

BKK117 Flying somewhere in the USA.
"Helicopter pilots don't fly, they beat the air into submission!"

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Thank you, BKK117, I appreciate it.


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Not to promote it but Var seems to be the one of choice for ladies in your situation. Bel will prob smack me for saying that but for powerlifting it would give you some tremendous strength gains. Please ensure that you are in your peak before continuing on to "supps." By stats, height, weight(optional for girls age, and maybe a pic or two!! Some specifics on your "genetic advantages" would be helpful. Just so dosing and other factors are easier to calculate. By the way, welcome to the board!!


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Thank you HugeDeep, I appreciate the input and I will look in to “Var.” However, my question to you is why do you feel women like it so much. What gains have you found or have they found it gives them.

Does anybody have any info (good or bad) on “Var” or know of a place to get it (information, I mean). Any medical reports published?

My Stats:
5ft 2 – 137lbs- Muscular Tone

Genetic Advantages:
All the women in my family (on both sides) seem to be both naturally and abnormally strong, me being one of them. And all the men in my family (also on both sides) are all extremely lean and muscular (fast metabolisms, I would assume). I luckily received all the “Good Genes”. Now I don’t know if that constitutes genetic advantage but I figure that has got to give me some kind of edge. Right? Maybe?? Hopefully??? Please!


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A grab from elite fitness. this will spell everything out. overall a great product, just sometimes(always) pricey!

Some powerlifters claim that this steroid is No. 1 for gaining strength without water weight. Women like Anavar because very little masculinisation in any form have been seen among woman who have used Anavar at a dose of 5 mg daily. Most women start out on 1 tablet per day and go up to three tablets daily. The dosage of 5 mg of anavar per day has worked out to be the optimum. The first signs of virilisaton could include persistent hoarseness, deepening of the women's voice, acne, decreased libido, and/or clitoral enlargement. If any of these symptoms should appear, the woman should end the cycle immediately.

Anavar will not aromatize. This means that it is one of the very few anabolic steroids that will not convert to estrogen at any dosage. This means it will not cause the appearance of a soft look to the muscles nor will it lead to the development of breast tissue in men. Some persons will convert much more of a steroid to estrogen than others. These people can use a dosage starting with 2 tabs twice daily, and reaching a maximum dose of .1 MG of Anavar per pound of body weight. If the athlete plateaus on the drug alone, he might add a small dose of deca that would most likely not aggravate any existing gynecomastia. Or a daily dose of 10 MG of Halotestin could be added to the anavar cycle to increase strength and hardness, while having no aromatize in effect.

Anavar is a multi-purpose steroid. Its very low toxicity makes it safe to take, even on lower cycles. It is advised that a high protein diet be maintained while taking anavar to insure its effectiveness. It is been counterfeit under the Spa label. Watch for the Searle liable to be safe.

Effective Dose: Men: 6-8 tablets per day or 7.5-15 mg/day. Women: 3 tablets a day.

Pharmaceutical Price: $30 for 100 tabs.

Average Street Price: $3/tab

Cycles and Stacks: Oxandrolone is not a steroid to bulk up on; yet, it is often part of a bulking stack. It could be combined with Testosterone or Dianabol to accent these highly androgenic compounds.

Side Effects: Athletes claim that this drug is unsurpassed in its ability to promote strength without water weight gains. Oxandrolone will not aromatize at any dosage. Which makes it ideal for steroid users with potential hypertension complications as well as pre-existing gynecomastia.

Counterfeits: Legitimate oxandrolone rarely shows up on the American black market but is found abundantly in Europe; it is Counterfeited under the generic and brand names.. The Brazilian Lipidex form of real Anavar, comes under the Searle label in foil templates in strips of ten tabs.

Effectiveness Rating: 8


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This really helped. Thanks HugeDeep.

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what is your training history?


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First off welcome. Have you ever used supplements? Eg. fat burners, andro, animal stack etc.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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First, I'll start out by saying welcome to the board and kudos to you for actually wanting to learn about the benefits and risks of AAS use. Believe it or not, not many really do. They are just looking for a quick fix.

I don't know how new you are to the forums or to AAS, so I'll clarify one thing. The person that recommend "var" was referring to oxandrolone which is marketed under the brand name anavar. This may help with your search.

I, too, recommend var for a first cycle. The reason being so is that it tends to be the least androgenic of all steroids. Saying something is androgenic means that it signals the development of the secondary male characteristics, ie deepening of the voice, increased hair growth, etc. In women, these symptoms are referred to as virilization symptoms and include all listed above along with clitoral enlargement and acne.

Side effects for women tend to be more cosmetic than they are actually dangerous to one's health. With that being said, virilization in women is most certainly not something to toy to take lightly, either. Some side effects that are more dangerous, or possible, are increased blood pressure and hepatoxicity (liver damage). At doses low enough that virilization symptoms are not a problem, serious health concerns are not usually a problem either. Thus, if you keep your doses and cycles mild, you may not see any side effect except increased strength and muscle mass.

That should start you off...

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Posted by: jboldman
what is your training history?


I don't really have much of one. About 8 or 9 months ago I just got motivated to do something with my body and with my mind and it just so happened I caught on fairly quickly when it came to the gym. I liked it... No better yet, I loved it. What I now know to be a "Pump" is an indescribable feeling.


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guess we got that log on problem fixed! Taking anabolics is a big step for anyone particularly a women. you need to make surethat you are prepared for some of the changes, some permanent that can accompany taking anabolics. If you were a guy, we would suggest getting another 6-18 months fo good solid training under your belt before taking the leap. Take this time to study in detail what the anabolic options are and the consequences. what do you think?


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Posted by: guijr
First off welcome. Have you ever used supplements? Eg. fat burners, andro, animal stack etc.

No. I am drinking optimum nutrition for every meal and snack to loose some fat. But as far as actual supplements go not yet. I get the feeling I might need to start.

Any Ideas as to what I should be taking. Anything that will help me keep my gains and help keep the fat off.

Any info would help.


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