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Cycle for strength and endurance - Please help!!!

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Hey everyone! I'm a military guy who has a good chance to make a run at Delta Force!! I'm in pretty good shape but would love a boost to get in top condition...any suggestions?? Love to hear from any current military SpecOps guys and you gear gurus out there ie BuffD and crew!!!


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Whats your history with gear like? And some stats also would be helpful. Id be able to give you some better ideas then.

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Never done any cycles at all....been lifting for over 10 yrs. just turned 34 yrs, 5'7, 165-70, 10-12% and eat pretty clean.

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Posted by: Leatherneck96
Hey everyone!I'm a military guy who has a good chance to make a run at Delta Force!!I'm in pretty good shape but would love a boost to get in top condition...any suggestions??Love to hear from any current military SpecOps guys and you gear gurus out there ie BuffD and crew!!!


Good Morning Bro,

To be honest, the only combination that I could think
of that would be of any use would be a test/eq/Tbol/var
cycle.I usually use gear to enhance performance as
an mma competitor and that's my typical cycle when
I'm working to make weight.But, for what it's worth
I usually don't really feel like my cardio is really up to
par when on cycle.Here's what my typical schedule
looks like perhaps it may give you some ideas...

Weeks 1-12:Test Cyp @ 300mg/wk
Weeks 1-11:EQ @ 200-300mg/wk
Weeks 1-4:Tbol @ 30-40mg/day
Weeks 8-14:Anavar @ 40mg/day
Weeks 14-17:PCTNolva 40/40/30/20
Weeks 14-19: alternate clen/eca stack

This is typically on the low side, but when I run this
cycle it's for a purpose.The test is a bit more than
maintainence level so I don't feel shitty and I hardly
get any bloat from aromatization.The EQ gives
a performance boost and quick recovery by stimulating
red blood cell production and oxygen supply.Tbol gives
a bit of strength boost at the beginning of the cycle
almost like Dbol without the extra water retention.The
var towards the end of the cycle keeps me tight and
indirectly helps to burn fat.The clen and ECA stack helps
me keep up the intensity of my training during and after
post cycle therapy.

IMHO, I feel that for performance enhancement, less
is more.At least, that's what works for me.


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Well, I really don't want a complicated multi-gear cycle since it is my first and I guess maybe I should be looking to getting in super condition ie a cutting cycle? as I work on the endurance end....maybe gain a bit of muscle as I mainly focus on bodyweight exercises like pullups, dips, etc. But something simple that would increase my recovery and such since i'm older than the average SpecOps candidate.

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Posted by: Leatherneck96
Well, I really don't want a complicated multi-gear cycle since it is my first and I guess maybe I should be looking to getting in super condition ie a cutting cycle?as I work on the endurance end....maybe gain a bit of muscle as I mainly focus on bodyweight exercises like pullups, dips, etc.But something simple that would increase my recovery and such since i'm older than the average SpecOps candidate.

I hear ya bro,sometimes I feel the same way...
For what it's worth, your best bet will be test.
Any other compound will either shut you down
hard without exogenous test or you'll feel pretty

Weeks 1-10: Test @ 300-400mg/wk
Weeks 12-15: PCT Nolva

Test is best.


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Will it help to cut things up a bit too?

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how about using something like primo??

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Posted by: Leatherneck96
how about using something like primo??

300-400mg of test isn't really too much test.
I wouldn't worry about armotisation and bloat
too much.If you really want to limit the bloat
from aromatisation you could run some proviron
at 25-50mg/day throughout the cycle to keep
a check on estrogen formation so you stay lean.

What's going to keep you cut is first your diet
by minimizing carbs and sodium and drinking plenty
of water.Next maintain some good cardio, since
you're in the service I don't think you'll have much
trouble there.

To get the benefits of primo for performance
enhancement you're going to need to run it at
around 400-600mg/week.400mg/week at the
least.Just don't expect too much in terms
of strength and weight gains.You'll definitely
maintain muscle mass if you're looking to cut, but
why use your first cycle to cut?More on this

From my own personal experience, I ran a primo
(400mg with a bump to 600mg) and dbol (30mg/day)
cycle and found that when the dbol stopped I got
really lethargic.Nothing too unbearable, but it felt
like it was a chore for me to workout, wake up in the
morning, and get along with annoying co-workers.
I definitely found myself much more irratable and almost
felt a little depressed...something you might want to be
aware of. When I added some test prop every other day,
towards the end of my cycle I was in a better mood aside
for the soreness of the prop.Another annoying thing
was that my sex drive went down a bit...not that I
couldn't get it up, just didn't really feel like having it
too much...spent more time having a pity party for

One of the better benefits of primo is that it gives
you a nice boost to your immune system and that's
pretty much what I'll run with test during the winter
to make sure I stay healthy.Though, this is a low
dose of around 200mg/week with 400mg/test.

Probably, a better alternative to using gear would
be running a clen/eca stack.Virgin cycles are the
best cycles for gaining size, no real reason to waste
your first cycle on a cutter.Alternating clen with an
eca stack for 2 weeks at a time won't alter your
hormones or mess with your receptors so if you choose
to use gear you'll have fresh receptors and you'll make
your best gains.

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So what would the clen/eca stack look like?? can i get it here or is it an over the counter thing?
