Cycle Critique/Sugg...
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Cycle Critique/Suggestions!!

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Wassup everyone!! My boy came to me wanting to venture into our dark world and wanted me to put a cycle together for him, he wants to gain about overall 15-20 pds. I know alot about gear but I also dont want to overdo it. His stats:6'1 210 and about 8%BF I was thinking maybe sustanon/EQ cycle? At what Dosages? Should I maybe reccomend a Tren/Prop/D-ball Cycle?? This is his first time Juicing so I wanna reccomend a cycle that will produce lean mass and keep most of it. Anyways thanks!

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Go with your first suggestion (sust/eq). The tren/prop cycle will have him shooting every day, which is a little overwhelming for a first time user. At his size you could try 500/400 sust/eq per week running 12 weeks. If his diet is on, he'll see nice gains. Make sure you teach him about proper PCT.

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He should go with either Sust500/Deca400 or Sust500/EQ400. They should be about the same as far as gains go. Actually Sust/EQ should give him better quality gains with less water retention. The only thing with Sust/EQ is that he will need to run the EQ for at least 12 weeks to see the full effects. deca seems to have a quicker onset but a little more water retention than EQ. My first cycle was Sust500/Deca400 x 8 weeks and I gained 30 lbs. Keep in mind diet will be the limiting factor in his cycle. Either Sust/EQ or Sust/Deca would give him good gains. He could probably get 15-20 lbs on Sust500 x 8 weeks alone though. Doc

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Blah, no first time user should do sus, its annoyingly complicated. Enath or cyp, 500 mgs a week, stacked with deca or Eq, 400 mgs week. Front load both 1 extra shot for 2 weeks, run dbol 35 mgs ed weeks 1-4. Thats the best newb cycle IMO.

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i like cyp. i am having great results with 400 mg a week cyp QV and 400 mg wk of EQ, QV of course baby! try it.

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Yea I like Cyp alot.......Now the BIG QUESTION! Is Jinotropin HGH a good one and is 1 Kit a good cycle?? How many IU's usually come in a Kit? And how many Iu's are taken each day?? Thanks guys from all the help....I never new much about HGH.

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Originally posted by BigGuy1 Yea I like Cyp alot.......Now the BIG QUESTION! Is Jinotropin HGH a good one and is 1 Kit a good cycle?? How many IU's usually come in a Kit? And how many Iu's are taken each day?? Thanks guys from all the help....I never new much about HGH. You need a few months of using GH to see results. 1 kit is not worth it. IMO Kits sizes differ - most common is 126 Jin comes in 100 and 150

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I would to ethanate or deca for first cycle. Deca is a good one for first timers
