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Cutting Cycle

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hey guys, I came to you guys to get some imput and info on a cycle with turanabol. I have been doing a lot of reading and I'm still in season (NCAA swimming) so I havnt been able to cycle quite yet but in a few months I will start. What do you guys think of combining some winny tabs, turanabol (not together but back to back) , with some test prop or other test. I have only used prop and I liked it, but if you have other suggestions than let me know. I just need it out of my system within 5 or 6 months. For pct I was wanting to try Femara with maybe HCG. Do you think I will need some nolva or clomid? Let me know guys, if you need my stats and all, I posted a few weeks ago about "turanabol" just a few posts down. Thanks guys. Thanks for the info and not just chewing everyone out.

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I don't see why you couldn't run a tbol test cycle. I'm not up to par on my detection times but I think you'd be fine, I'm sure its posted somewhere on here. I would opt for prop as my test honeslty, maybe a 6-8 wks and tbol for the first 6 wks. I don't feel hcg is necessary, nolv PTC and fem or a-dex on cycle continued to PCT will be enough

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you dont think I should use the winny before or after the tbol?

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If you're a compeititive swimmer, I'm sure you know all about keeping a clean and nutritious diet. That will be just as important for cutting. You'll want to keep your salt intake low, too.

You could put together a hell of a cutter with 3 injectables only, all of similar esters. This would make for a nice injection schedule. Imo, one of the ultimate cutting cycles would be test prop, masteron prop, and tren acetate. 100/100/75 every other day. You could go every day, but I'd suggest that only if you've got a lot of experience with gear. If you're fairly new, every other day will be more than enough to get you strong as hell and shredded. Run it 6-9 weeks. pct with Nolvadex for 3 weeks after you're done... 40 mgs/night wk 1, 30 mgs/night wk 2, 20 mgs/night wk 3.

With a clean diet, I guarantee you'll be happy with this.

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Hey mang, My next cycle will be the same as you just described. Test prop and Turanabol, backed with Proviron, HCG, and Nolva for pct/gyno control, and clen for cut.

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yes I would rather do a cycle which would maximize my swimming performance. I am a sprinter, so muscle is still something that I need and with my lack of height within the swimming world (5'10-5'11"), I have to overcome it all with muscle. I thought something along the lines of test prop, winny and oral turanabol would be good with pct being femara and nolva. maybe some HCG. Let me know what you think. Thanks again.

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The key difference between a cutter and a bulker isn't really the gear, but the food. My guess is that you want increases in strength, but not increases in mass. The way to achieve that is to simply not eat like a body builder, but just eat a bit more protein than you normally would. That should allow you to increase strength on cycle but not increase size too much.

If you want to gain ten pounds over ten weeks, add between 500-700 cals a day to your diet when you are on cycle. Also, you need to know that SOME of the initial weight gain is simply water weight which will go away when you are off cycle. And you also lose a bit of what you gained after you come off, so don't worry too much.

I would just go with a standard cycle of injectables that will get out of your system in time. Maybe test and eq (though I don't know about detection times). Tren rocks, but if this is your first cycle, you should stick with the basics.

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Oh, yeah, if you're going to be actively swimming, sprinting, etc... avoid tren. It can give you crazy pumps that can be painful and will slow you down.

I initially thought you were looking to do something in the 'off season'.

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Compounds work differently on different people, I myslef have never experinced crazy pumps off of tren, eq yes, but never had work out ending pumps from tren. I actually think tren would be what you would want here. With the right deit if will have some what of a thermogenic effect and fits well into your goals of staying lean with good strnght gains, imo tren is the best for strenght whitout blowing up with water. I would avaoid winny here. #1 I cramp like a mad man on it #2 I don't like running two orals back to back too much liver stress as winny is fairly toxic.
