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Critique my football cycle......anavar/winny/fina

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I have been on Anavar for 6 weeks now... I want to add winny and fina and run them for at least 8 more weeks with the anavar, i have lots of milk thistle and clomid on hand. I was thinking of doing 50mg winny a day,40mg anavar a day, and 80mg of fina a day...I am gonna take the fina orally cause i aint payin for a damn kit.. I will be taking all of this during the football season..... How should i take all of this, all at 1 time or through out the day? When shoud i start the clomid and how much a day? all at once or through out? Any suggestions?(not flames) ๐Ÿ˜€

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you should be sitting alot cause your kidneys are going to be wacked---thats 170mg's a day oral and fina oral??did i miss something here?? i assume you won't take a shot FLEX

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I would advise against the winny, makes your joints hurt alot and you don't need that while you are playing. If you ever plan on getting a hard on again I would suggest you add some prop or some suspension to that cycle. Inject the fina, if you don't want to spend the 20 bucks on a kit then make a home brew and make sure you sterilize it. L2J

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i have taken shots.....

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What if i drop the anavar all together and just do winny and fina? I can handle the joint pain, ill be taking lots of joint supplements anyway...

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With all the mass your adding make sure you stay flexible, that was always my problem when jucing while playing ball

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i'd do only one oral at a time i'd do a injectable with it i would not do winny if your after strength and mass increase as you might have a injury from it FLEX

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Myself and several I know get bad cramps from trenbolone. Haven't finished a leg workout in a month. Winny does something negative to the joints, causing tendonitis and such. Anavar tightens the muscles to the point flexibility would be lost. Junk the cycle and start over. My sugg. would be simply test/deca. Will keep weight, stamina and strength up.

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My goals are to increase strength while not losing any mass from all the running... I also want something for a little "rage" on the field...I may just run the anavar at the end... I dont see how 50mg winny/80mg fina orally... is that bad. maybe yall just given me hell cause i aint injecting? As far as anavar tightening the muscles.. i have been on it for 6 weeks now while sprinting and lifting hard.. i dont see any tightening....?

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Ok you ask for advice and then you argue with that advice. I played ball in college and beyond and anvar does make you tight esp in hams and glutes. You will add density there and you just have to be aware of it. I am not saying get off it. Just strech a little more than you normally would. Once you pull a hammy it will not heal fully without complete rest. Anyways, good luck BM

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Originally posted by ButtMuncher Ok you ask for advice and then you argue with that advice. I played ball in college and beyond and anvar does make you tight esp in hams and glutes. You will add density there and you just have to be aware of it. I am not saying get off it. Just strech a little more than you normally would. Once you pull a hammy it will not heal fully without complete rest. Anyways, good luck BM No, i do appreciate the advice greatly, but what i was argueing at was that "my cycle is bad because i am not injecting". I always stretch real good because being injured sucks.. heh Thanks ๐Ÿ˜€

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i agree w/ alot of the above,......fina is a great football drug, trust me, alot of good ball players swear by it....great for strength and speed, now all this talk about fina orally is a little silly, you dont have but a choice, why dont you go the DMSO route, my fav, you can by high potency dmso roll ons now, alot better the the earlier rolls ons, or you can buy some inj winny and football season dont mix, your joints will hurt, youll pull your hammies at the drop of a hat, seriously, stretching helps but not alot....and youll be crying like a baby when your joints hurt and that adds .4 of a second to your forty, and then you pull a hammy and are out for 2-3 weeks.....drugs that add alot of water weight are also out of the question, but please use common sense and stay away from the winny, ......i love winny, but during football seasons long ago i wouldnt have gone near it.......

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Well shit.. i may buy a damn fina kit then..hmm.. ok i sure dont want anything pulled..... how about 80mg of anavar and 80mg fina for football? This is too much thinking for me.. i need a rest.. ๐Ÿ™

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Now im thinking too much.. What else can i throw in there primo?

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Primo is another GREAT football drug, but for a diffrent reason, i always used primo during preseason training, b/c during this time you catabolize a helleva lot of muscle tissue running around doing drills out in the sun bake, the primo will help keep your bw solid, and it will keep your strength from dwindling.....dude using 80mg of tren per day is a helleva alot, if you have the 80mg per ml tren you can inject eod, which is my fav way to do it.....1cc eod, im glad you wised up on the winny, its way way to damn easy to get hurt on that stuff, your just too tight, tighter than a virgin, youll go to run a max 40 and rip.....their it goes,......peace good luck

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