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Could really use some advice on my 3rd cycle

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OK, so heres what Ive got planned to start in the next couple of weeks when Im done with my clen. Just wanted to see what you guys thought about my dosage: weeks 1-10/12 test enanthate 600-700mg ew weeks 1-10/12 eq 400-500 ew weeks 1-5 Dbol 47.5mg ed weeks either 8-12 or 10-14 winny 50mg ed Obviously the winny is dependent upon how long I decide to run my test and eq. This will be my 3rd cycle. Im 23 yrs old, 205lbs, 5'11. Im fairly lean. Id say somewhere around 12%. I know its better to run the eq for as long as possible so Id like to run it for 12 weeks, but dont know if I want to run the test that long. The dbol will be a mix of IP, reforvit, and british dragons; so it wont actually be 47.5mg. It seems like a 14 week cycle would really shut me down as well. This will be somewhat of a bulker, but Im gonna eat as clean as humanly possible with all the extra cals. Arimidex will be run .25 ed and I'll add as need be. So, what do you guys think?

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doesnt look bad for a 3rd cycle. i wouldnt run d-bol more than 4 weeks , but thats me. as far as winstrol i usually dont find a need to run it, but thats me. i would take the cycle the full 12 weeks & run the test all the way through. for hardening gains & letting my body get used to the gains i sometimes run tren the 2cnd 1/2 of my cycle & drop the deca. just thought i would give you options

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I was gonna use the winny for the same purpose you use the tren. Lean out some and get used to the gains made. Id use tren, but I used it in my last cycle and it made me nuts, serioulsy.

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my first time w/tren i had messed up sides. my 2cnd time i had almost none. so maybe you can try it again @ 75 mg's EOD & moniter sides. you could stop if you had problems or up the dose if you dont. but if you never wanted to do it again i wouldnt blame you

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My first go of it definetly made me think Id never do it again. The sides were horrible, but for the first time in my life, I did no cardio, no strict diet, and visibly lost BF. If I ever did it again it would have to be during the winter (made me sweat like no other), and Id probably need a high dose of anti-depressant/anxietys. Im sure Ill do it again at some point. It didnt get bad until I bumped the dose from 75mg eod to 150mg eod.
