Comments on cycle??...
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Comments on cycle????

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Hi gang,
Just thought I'd run my next cycle past you guys. If anyone has any comments or advice from knowladge or previous experience please feel free to express your views.

Stats are :-
31 yo. been training for 5 years. 80 kilos. 11% bf. 3 cycles in 3 years (this'll be the 4th)

Cycle will be :-
50mg DIANABOL/day, weeks 1 to 4.
600mg SUST/wk, weeks 1 to 17.
500mg DECA/wk, weeks 1 to 18.
600mg EQ/wk, weeks 1 to 20.
50mg Oral WINNY/day, weeks 16 to 20.

HCG from week 3 to 20, and ofcourse 4 weeks of PCT (the usual suspects).

Has anyone tried the above cycle (or anything close)?
Any comments or reservations about the DECA,EQ and winny combo towards the end??

Thanks in advance. Your replies and comments will be greatly appreciated.

Eating Machine
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I'd personally keep the combined total of EQ and DECA lower than the test dose to prevent sexual dysfunction. IE, raise the test or lower the EQ DECA.

Dbol dose is a bit high, but, if it works for you go with it. How are your liver levels?

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Thanks EM, point taken. The DECA dose is really the same story as the DBOL dose that you commented on. These 2 have really been the base AS's in all my previous cycles, but ofcourse with every cycle the doses had to be increased a little, each time. As for the EQ dose, this will be my first time using this product so the dose I want to use is due to advice from others. Would 400mg EQ still do the job???

In regards to my liver values Seeing as I live in the netherlands, regular check up's are out of the question, but due to honesty with my doctor a before and after "health check" is usually possible.

I suppose I could increase the TEST dosage to around the 800, would that be better??

Eating Machine
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Deca and Equipose are very similar in action and very anabolic.
Test is androgenic.

In my experience you never want the combined doses of your anabolics higher than your androgenic.

I'd personally drop the dbol down to 30 or 40 mg per day and increase the test to look something like this....

wks 1-4 dbol 30mg per day
wks 1-18 sustanon,test enanthate or test cypianate 800mg per week shots M/W/F
wks 1-17 eq 400 per wk
wks 1-17 deca 300 per wk
wks 1-18 proviron 25mg ED
wks 1-18 1000ius hcg per week in 2 shots M/T
wks 1-18 20mg extremestane ED
wks 22-24 pct

Keep Nolva on hand

Proviron keeps the free test higher and hardens you up a bit
Extremestane keep the estrogen in check and does not negatively impact cholesterol like most others.
HCG keeps the natural test working keeping your hormonal balance better and makes the PCT a snap.

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Thanks again EM, cycle looks indeed very "tasty"!!

Have done prov before and got good results, didn't bloat as much as I thought I would then. Shame in a way because I enjoy bloating up really.

You wouldn't bother with the oral winny?

For the rest, looks very sound. Many, many thanks for the advice EM, very much obliged bro.

Eating Machine
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Your quite welcome bro. If you want to do the winny, go ahead. Just make sure you test your liver values and take your Liv 52 or equal.

I'm sure it goes without saying, but, no alcohol for a while with that many orals.

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Bump to what eating machine said. This looks like a pretty good bulking cycle - why waist money on the EQ? Just a note, i've gotten good results from Deca in two cycles without ever exceeding 375mgs so you should be good to go.
