Well Ive decided to go a different route for my 2nd cycle..I was originally thinking sust and deca(because thats really all I had access to) but if things keep going the way they have today Im really gettin hooked up.this is what I was thinking: Weeks1-2: test enanthate 800mg Equipoise 600mg Weeks 3-12 " " 400 mg " 400 mg PCT clomid weeks 16-19 Novaldex on hand in case of gyno By the way Im 5'5" 210 pretty damn lean been lifting 10 plus years. What do ya think....should I keep the test at 600/wk or is 400 enough?
BTW thanks you know who
Run the test 1 week longer then the eq, start pct 2 weeks after your last test shot. 400 is fine, it really depends on what u did last cycle, and how your body personnaly responds to gear. That cycle looks solid. If u are "hooKed up" why not add in some winny the last 6 weeks and some dbol the first 4?
I dont know Im a little weary of pills I was considering the winny but I have to do alot of tunning ( om in the military and I was told the winny will really fuck up my joints
Thanks for the input Valkyl
BTW my last cycle was 500mg sust for 10 weeks. I gained about 17 pounds. My diet was very clean although I do not think I ate enough. My body seems to respond good to juice
Alot of ppl seem to complain about winny. For me, it was amazing. The strength gains were unreal. By far my fav gear when stacked with test.
How long you been lifting for Valkyl?
10 1/2 years now. Seems like my entire life...lol