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Do any of you good folk do this?
What can we use between cycles? I assume it's summit without testosterone..
I'm guessing 'off time' is a good time to use igf or hgh, things like this - to grow cells ready for the next cycle that'll mature them... is this right?
What compounds work well for you?

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though i stay on most of the time anyway, whenever i would come off aas i would add in peptides and slin..there are so many peptides out there now with very promising studies that i cant help but use them and give them ago, i am going to be running out of HGH soon and instead of getting more i am going try some peptides of similar structure to see how they compare...

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Ive been on for 3 years.. blood work is your best friend.. stay clear of orals.

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Hijacking my own thread here.. you guys must need fome serious PCT i bet! All year round, 3 year cycle?! Wow / nice .
Yeh. i thought peps, or hgh would be the choice. What about Tbol, it can be run longer than Var (i think) so would anyone consider this?
BTW i'm just curious, i'm a long long way off considering anything like this.

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I wont come off as long as everything in order for blood work im cool with keeping everything in check.. my diet training and my use. Dbol, Ana are short term results with long term health risks I dont touch them.

Var is beautiful Tbol gives me progesterone side effects that I dont enjoy seeing but everyones body chemistry is different.. id stick to var though if you wanna cough up the cash.. I wouldnt mind running it short and sweetly dosed to lose some bf..

Var can be run alot longer then tbol.. both are still 17aa however when the UGL scene was popular I was able to get bottles of Var for around $50-60 each 20mg caps of 100 so I could take upwards of 80-160mg for 3-4wk's and my wallet wouldnt be empty and id have some to spare.

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Posted by: Dream
I wont come off as long as everything in order for blood work im cool with keeping everything in check.. my diet training and my use. Dbol, Ana are short term results with long term health risks I dont touch them.

Var is beautiful Tbol gives me progesterone side effects that I dont enjoy seeing but everyones body chemistry is different.. id stick to var though if you wanna cough up the cash.. I wouldnt mind running it short and sweetly dosed to lose some bf..

Var can be run alot longer then tbol.. both are still 17aa however when the UGL scene was popular I was able to get bottles of Var for around $50-60 each 20mg caps of 100 so I could take upwards of 80-160mg for 3-4wk's and my wallet wouldnt be empty and id have some to spare.

Not coming off can and will have adverse side affects. The most important thing is that your body has not naturally produced its own testosterone in 3 years. This can and will permanently shut down your own bodies ability to produce testosterone again naturally. If you plan on having kids, I would come off and get on some HCG and clomid and try to get your body to start making its own testosterone again and this may take a while to come back, since you have shut down your bodies own natural testosterone production for a long period of time. This is not only if you want to have kids, but testosterone for a male is so very important in your own mental and physical health and especially later in life, low or no test production, which leads to low libido, and erection problems, depression, mood swings, vitality, lethargy, short term memory, ect.

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Posted by: nosecrusher
Not coming off can and will have adverse side affects. The most important thing is that your body has not naturally produced its own testosterone in 3 years. This can and will permanently shut down your own bodies ability to produce testosterone again naturally. If you plan on having kids, I would come off and get on some HCG and clomid and try to get your body to start making its own testosterone again and this may take a while to come back, since you have shut down your bodies own natural testosterone production for a long period of time. This is not only if you want to have kids, but testosterone for a male is so very important in your own mental and physical health and especially later in life, low or no test production, which leads to low libido, and erection problems, depression, mood swings, vitality, lethargy, short term memory, ect.

I made the choice my friend ill live with the consequences people on HRT are the exact case. I am in no way preaching to do so..its a personal preference, so get off my shrunken nuts.

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Posted by: Dream
I made the choice my friend ill live with the consequences people on HRT are the exact case. I am in no way preaching to do so..its a personal preference, so get off my shrunken nuts.

This has nothing to do with you personally and I wasn't trying to get on your shrunken nuts. (that was a good one) I was just stating the facts, which are true. What you decide to do with these facts and your body is your business, not mine. I read your post and what I got from it was that you were saying that it was okay to never go off AAS. I just wanted to make sure that the members knew that this isn't a good thing and there are repercussions for those who do this.
