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Big Cat Cycle

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Posted by: Zircon
must say i liked Tbol a Lot though...even at 30mg...btu that was coupeld with low dose tren...

I really liked this stack as well. The Tbol seemed to help me with any decreased libido problems that tren didn't help as well as test but nothing does.

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That's a lot of winstrol.Why so much and why winstrol if i may ask ?

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Posted by: gtrack
That's a lot of winstrol.Why so much and why winstrol if i may ask ?

I'm just going by Big Cats recommendations.

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Posted by: DocJ
I really liked this stack as well. The Tbol seemed to help me with any decreased libido problems that tren didn't help as well as test but nothing does.

WHat kind of doseages did you use and for what duration?

I was experimenting with short cycles...I did the following for 18 days.

125mg prop eod
50mg tren eod
30mg tbol ed

very low i know...gained and kept 2 kg off that...also made my back break out like HELL...I'm pretty sure it was the tren in the end. Anyway, I became extremely vascular as well, even in only 18 days.

TYbol seems to act pretty quickly. I've heard many ppl say its only really effective for 3 weeks or so. No scientific proof of this tho.

My next cycle will prob be prop and tbol...

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Posted by: Zircon
WHat kind of doseages did you use and for what duration?

The two times I've used it was during an 8 week cycle:
1-4 TBol 50mg/day
1-8 Tren 100mg EOD
5-8 TProp 100mg EOD

I really liked TBol b/c it seemed to exhibit all the effects of Dbol without any water retention.

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yeh I tried dbol twice...every time even at low dose of 20mg I wasnt feeling great, headches (slight) and generally feeling so-so....a bit of bloat but not much really.

Tbol as I said only used it in my combo above...but Ive tried test/tren before (without tbol) and the tbol def made a diff in size gain, and pumps...amazing.

Next time its prop tbol for me...tren gave me such bad acne...never touch it again. Best drub i used so far tho even at 50mg eod...I was gaining good strength in 14 days! something that I dont do on prop...

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Posted by: Nytol2
Pretty much as JB said, it gave me nothing above what I would expect from the test I was running with it.

No hunger, or increased pumps, the only thing I did get was some aggitation toward the end of teh cycle, which was different from the sort I would get from tren, it was not pleasent.

As someone else posted nandrolone is much better, got very good gains off of test/deca.

Test and tren is the king of stacks, IMO, but I still dont think the author of this thread needs such things yet.

What if I ran this instead.

Week 1-12 : Testosterone enanthate 600 mg/week
Week 1-12: Tren Enanthate 300 mg/week
Week 6-13 :Stanozolol 50-100 mg/day
Week 12-14 : HCG 3000/3000/1500/1500 IU / 5days
Week 12-17 : tamoxifen Citrate 20 mg/day
Week 14-15 : clomiphene Citrate 100 mg/day
Week 16-17 : clomiphene Citrate 50 mg/day

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That looks good, however, I wouldn' t start the winny until week 8. Saves your HDL cholesterol from an 8 week beat-down

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