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best deca cycle

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i have a trainee who wants to go on a cyle of deca, i needed to know what was the best length for a cycle, amount per dose, best ancillarys to use with deca, and anything else i need to get him. again this is his first cycle ever, he is about 5'9 140 and is abut 15% bf.

thanks a lot

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It seems like he has a lot of natural growing to do. How long has he been training, how old is he, obviously he does not have his diet worked out or he would not be 140lbs, so that is something that needs to be addressed as well. Give us some more info. Lastly he needs to stack deca with something else, as deca by itself can cause many problems ie, deca dick and progesterone gyno and deca takes a long time to kick in and its effects are moderate to say the least. A better cycle for a beginner would would 500 mg of Testosterone Enenthate per week, running this for 10 weeks followed by pct with Nolvadex on hand in case of gyno symptoms. Anyways before I go to far post some more info. If he does not have everything in order (diet training etc) a cycle will not benefit him much.

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i aggree a little about the deca, but i dont see it taking a long time to kick in.... because i felt after 1 and half weeks of taking it.... yes it causes deca dick and all that. .and can bring u on a low.. if hes gonna take deca take test with it. i think every cycle needs test with it. i even diet down with test base.... so yeah and hes only 140 lbs.... man thats not a lot. he needs to up his diet and workouts. beacuse i was 215 lbs before i ever did it and i was really skinny when i first started training 5 years ago... so he needs to look in other options...

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Weeks 1-4 200mg Deca Durabolin, nolvadex on hand, no PCT required, this is straight out of Chemical Muscle Enhancement, looks nice n gentle. Because of it only being 4 weeks your body's natural test actual works along with the Deca because your body hasn't had enough time to realize what you've done. I've heard of gains in the 10lb range give or take from this and VERY little to no loss post cycle.

Eating Machine
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At 140 lbs diet is the problem. No amount of gear is going to make him grow if the diet is not in place. Do not advise him to do gear, advise him on how to eat!

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yeah it seems he has a lot of natural growth to do and i wouldnt recomend deca as a first cycle i would say test e 500 mg per week for 12 week imo. for a first cycle you will se great gains.
