Originally posted by Pharmhand Help! My head hurts.......can someone please read that thesis above and summerize, ya know cliff note me on it. To sumerize the guy is basicaly saying that if u are going to bridge post cycle on dbol at 10 mgs ed in the AM, same time every day that u sould add in arim at 1 mg ed and clomid at 300 mgs day 1 and 100 mgs ed after that... He also said u should run proviron under a certain schedule and hcg as well, both of which, while adding something to the bridge are probably not going to make or break it. He says that after 8 weeks your body will be completely recovered and that u can 1. Go back on or 2. Come off with normal test levels. He also said that he tried it on himself and that he lost no size gains. My only point would be to argue that he was taking dbol, the mother of bloating drugs, he may have lost a few pounds of muscle and gained a few of water...IMO. If I were to run the dbol bridge, i would probably add the ari with the clomid myself now, hcg is too damn expensive and the proviron wont do much...maybe ill use it this winter...who knows.
Anyone tried the dbol bridge and wanna share their exeriences?
i've bridged with anavar successfully...actually, anavar and gh...a lot of guys are using the igf-1 as a bridge by itself, too...
I have bridged with 10 mg dbol and clomid. Worked out pretty good. Gonna try it with the arimidex and proviron next time =)