Andropen/deca cycle...
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Andropen/deca cycle - need advice

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I would consider myself a novice, because its been atleast 5 years since my last injection (man, that sounds like an N.A. comment lol)

I just want to share with you my cycle idea and get some good honest opinions. anything is appreciated.

First let me mention that my diet is incredible, I get plenty of sleep... my caloric and protein intake in on the money. Im 6ft 186lbs. I did a cycle of test and deca several years ago with no pct. That was pretty stupid considering I came down with flu symptoms that ended up turning into a long bout with pneumonia.

I wanted to go with this cycle and felt that it is pretty safe without getting to crazy and hopefully I'll still see some good gains.

week 1 - 8
275mg/wk - BD Andropen eod for first 2 weeks / or just e3d / or maybe 2wice/wk ex: M, Thurs

200mg/wk - BD deca I thought about maybe doing 250mg /wk

week 11
100mg clomid every day

week 12
50mg clomid every day

week 13
50mg clomid every day

I thought about maybe doing some HCG and also having Nolvadex on hand , but I don't feel that Im taking high enough dosages of either Andropen or deca to worry about any serious side effects. I feel clomid is sufficient enough.

Please give me any advice... it would be greatly appreciated. And please keep in mind... Im not looking to go overboard. Thanks guys. I've read a lot of your posts and im quite impressed with you all... this is by far the best forum i've found yet.


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That looks good. You might throw in a 5000 iu HCG at the end also. It works well with Clomid. Clomid is a good choice after Deca.

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So then are you saying that in your opinion 275mg's of Andropen per wk is sufficient enough?


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Posts: 7

looks bout this..550 andropen/week...400 deca/week...1 of each mon/thurs..maybe some dbol 20-25 mgs per day..keep pct the same..that will put size on ya!!! is everything and that will determine just how much quality you put on..good luck!!!
