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Anavar Cycle Log

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Alright im going to do a log on my Anavar cycle im currently in the 4 day of my cycle ill be running htis for 8 weeks at 40mg/Day split into 2 does one in the morning one in the evening. ill start from day one and ill post results every 3-4 days, so far the shit is working awsome i got a liquid anavar suspended in ethylpropylachohal or propylethylacohal or somthing liek that, any way heres a lil back ground about what img oing to be doing.
My diet is pretty simple im getting 410 grams of protein per day 320 carbs and i try to keep my fats below 100. i eat alot of tuna, chicken and steak, lots of peanut butter, and protein shakes, ther ereally is no set diet i kinda just keep a lil log of the shit i got through everyday kinda keeps it interesting.

my training consits of 4 weight days, 2 speed days and 2 conditioning days
the weight trainign is based around core and olympic lifts, IE Bench Power Cleans Squats and i use Overhead as a core even though its not really, to build my shoulders, my shoulders take alot of punishment out there gotta keepem strong. the speed days consist of various plyometrics, short sprints things of that nature, and my conditioning days are 4-5 laps of bleachers,

my current lifts are as in my signature, i havent maxed in while as i dont really like to for injury/safty reasons, and personalyl i think it useless. bu ti will jsut to see improvement and all.

im running creatine along side the var at 8 grams perday 4 pre 4 post workout (Creatine Ethyl Ester)

Im also running an ECA 2 times daily 5 days on 2 days off throughout

im hopping to drop bodyfat and maybe gain 4-5 pounds if anyweight at all, id rather jsut level out, the new muscle making up for the old fat, i would like to drop my 40 by 1 tenth, maybe 1.5 tenths depending on how the speed and footwork go. alright so here it is:

-Started: Sunday November 14th* 2021

-Current date: Wednesday November 17th* 2021

-Pumps are getting stronger each day, muscles are becoming very solid, and i "feel" stronger when i workout more of a mind muscle connection type of thing. i will go hit the scale in 3 days from now to monitor any changes and ill begin posting the Body comp changes from there on out. Diets good, gonna start stretchiong 5 times aday opposed to my previous 4 to help stay loose and flexible throught the cycle.

Current Date: Saturday November 20th 2021

-Increasingly visible vascularity, Muscles very hard and dense. Starting to lean up nicely. current weight 223lbs. stretching is helping tramendously, feeling very springy when i sprint. looking promising.

Current Date: Tuesday November 23rd 2021

-Current weight is 226lbs. Starting to get some nice strength gains, and very nice pumps. Vascualrity is still improving, and flexability is improving drastically. continuing to lean up, Im not positive if i am physically getting faster yet, but when i sprint, i "feel" notably faster, things are great so far, no sides, the "boyz" are fine, no acne, everything great, welp i gatta hit the showerz- ill check back in on friday.

-Current Date: Friday November 26th 2021

-Im really starting to notice some really nice strength now, every one of my lifts is going up and at a pretty solid rate, still leaning up, especially around the middle area, noticeing some nice improvement in the way of explosiveness as well. still no sides to speak of at all, the wheels are starting to look freakish, squats deffinatly shooting up, planning on 600 lbs by the end of December. i wiegh 229, and im loosing body fat i have to go find a BF scale to see how much ive dropped, alright cheack back in on the 10th of the month.

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I am also a football athlete and would like to see how your cycle and training goes. I am yet to find that perfect cycle to decrease 40 time. I'm thinking it might be Test Prop/masteron/anavar might be the trick, but I haven't tried it yet.

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yeah i hear ya bro, if anything i think this cycle will be probably the best for speed, becuase ill gain little to no wieght but many have said that the strength gains are excllent from the var, so add the 2 together and i think that it might work, but if this doesnt work my next full cycle im runing prop/tren/var and we'll see how that goes.

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Is this cycle still in progress? How is you 225 bench for reps been affected by this cycle?

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What happened to the cycle????
