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Anavar cycle

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Thinking about trying an Anavar only cycle. Im proposing 6 weeks at 40mg/day. My experience with AAS has been low dose Testosterone cyp and low dose HGH all done for recovery for endurance sports. Currently I am on GHRP-2 and GHRH with good results and will continue it through and after this proposed cycle. Im throwing this cycle out here for some thoughts/guidance.

Weeks 1-6 Anavar @40mg
Weeks 3-7 HCG 2xwk@250iu
Weeks 7-10 Nolvadex @20mg for PCT

My goals are lean body mass gains without gaining to much bulk and to lose some fat. Thoughts?

Dr. Chrisler is giving a talk on Sermorelin at the A4M National convention in December so he isnt giving out a bunch of Information before then.

Seabiscuit Hogg
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 455

Considering your goals I think it looks like a pretty good plan. Var has been shown in studies to actually reduce bf. Should get pretty good strength and lean mass gains.

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)

Seabiscuit Hogg
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 455

I'd run the hcg wks 3-6. Do the last inj a couple days before last var tab. Pct will go better this way.

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)

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Thanks Seabiscuit. I'll stop the HCG at end of week 6, makes scense with the short half life. Advice much appreciated.

Dr. Chrisler is giving a talk on Sermorelin at the A4M National convention in December so he isnt giving out a bunch of Information before then.

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Whats the best way to take the 40mg of Anavar? Should I split it 20mg AM, 20mg PM, or take all 40mg at once.

Is it best to take pre or post workout or does it matter?


Dr. Chrisler is giving a talk on Sermorelin at the A4M National convention in December so he isnt giving out a bunch of Information before then.

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i would split it up. no matter before or after the workout. remember that anavar will be rough on your lipids/cholesterol level.

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Thanks. Im going to be taking fish oil and niacin to try and help with the cholesterol. Its pretty good now so hopefully it wont get to bad.

Dr. Chrisler is giving a talk on Sermorelin at the A4M National convention in December so he isnt giving out a bunch of Information before then.

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i would recommend the time release niacin taken at bedtime, NOT the flush free variety.
