A kinda good thread...
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A kinda good thread I posted at another board, thought I would post here to.

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Ok...now dayz I get email after email of peeps tossing at me these god awful ungodly complex cycles.... I hate to say it, but if you can not bulk up on the good ol basics such as: test, deca, Dbol or cut up on the basics of winny, t. prop, primo, t3....then either your diet is way outta whack for your goals or your training is sub par... Stick to the basics & you should get all the results you wish, concentrate on a sound diet, & training b4 you even think of hitting the sauce...and as I said above you you cant grow or cut on the good ol basics that have stood the test of time...then maybe bing is not your sport, or you simply need more detication... My bio....I am by no means HUGE nor at this time do I wish to be....last winter I hit an all time high at about 245...and now do to dieting to hard, shrunk to a measly 215 not but 3 weeks ago & am now back up to 220# & cut... I have managed to do this, all without ever doing a cycle totalling more than 2grams total...not 2 grams of test, but 2 grams total of all the compounds used...& right now I am clean & going back up, do to my new abbreviated training program, which emphasizes intensity & brief workouts, thus saving many cal & reserves for recovery. In a nutshell, I am trying to say...that b4 you even dulge into the sauce, you need to set some goals & think long term...I plan to have children some day & wish to be in "healthy" condition to keep up with them 10 years down the road.... Its not the quantity of juice youuse, but how wisely you use it & how wisely you train & eat...play just as much a factor if not moreso than the amount of sauce you consume... Stroyer

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Just to add to that; everyone also needs to remember that we all respond differently to juice. In other words what works for you in dosage may or may not work for someone else. I agree w/Stroyer as until my last cycle I have mainly used doasges totaling from 200-800mg max per week and with great gains. In fact my first cycle 10 years ago I gained 20 pounds in 1 month on 1cc of Suspension twice a week and 5 mg. of oral winstrol ED(yeah, I had n oclue what the fuck I was doing). Anyways my point is start off small and see your body reacts and go from there. The key is to learn your body and what works for you and use that experience to further yourself as opposed to just shooting a gram a week because you heard it from a friend.

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Stroyer: Excellent advice. Maybe they will listen to you cause I said the same damn thing and not many listened. Oh, and measly 215?? Bro, my stats are almost exactly the same (including high BW before cutting) and I have never been over 1g. so I couldn't agree more.
