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8-10 week cycles low dose test

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Posted by: da_Fonz
Another cycle which I have gotten solid results fromis something quite simple:

Test Prop @ 350mg Wk
T-bol @ 30mg ED

This has allowed me to rely more on my diet and yet allow me to make slow steady gains.

I prefer short esters with low or high doses.

Completely agree here Im running a low dose 200mg ew TRT run and making great steady gains. Weight is increasing and strength is coming up really nice. Im sold on low dose runs. Diet is clean, with high cals. I am on legal TRT, and its working.

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Posted by: redleg77
Okay so i'm still considering all these ideas you guys gave me.thanks by the way.

1-8 Test E 250mg EW
5-10 Tbol 40 mg ED
1-10 HCG 500iu 2x week

10-13: 100mg Clomid ED
10-15: 12.5-25mg Aromasin ED

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i would use the oral t as a jumpstart say weeks 1-4 at 40-50mgs ED and also weeks 8-12 at the same dose, i would run the test eth for 10weeks at a tad higher then what you had planned but your dose would work (the gains wont be as dramatic) i would look into visions cycle and pct protocol on usage of HCG and i personally would dump the clomid and again look into visions pct advice, i hate clomid gives me nasty sides, depression like a mofo and acne

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IP i read visions PCT and i thought it said to use Clomid? What would be an alternative to that then? Also i'm still waiting for the HCG to get back in stock. i want to get everything in one shot. any alternatives to the HCG? i mean i want to take it, but i can't wait for to long. hey guys sorry if i'm being annoying on here.

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Posted by: redleg77
IP i read visions PCT and i thought it said to use clomid?What would be an alternative to that then?Also i'm still waiting for the HCG to get back in stock.i want to get everything in one shot.any alternatives to the HCG?i mean i want to take it, but i can't wait for to long.hey guys sorry if i'm being annoying on here.

no you read it right, i just prefer the use of hcg as clomid gives me and some others i know horrible sides, but being you have never tried it you wont no till you give it ago.

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I follow Visions PCT protocol, but use nolva instead of clomid. I will be using clomid in the future, and looking into toremifene.

"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers. For he today that sheds his
blood with me, Shall be my brother"

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