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5th cycle advice

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Hey guys whats up? Im in my 4th cycle now with Prop Tren D and Tbol, liking it so far, I like how i bloat less on prop and sust than Test E. Anyway i was thinking about a 5th cycle and was thinking of trying out EQ again, my appetite has not been too good on this cycle anyway i had a test (not sure which), EQ, Tren A. Would that be a good one to try out? Just getting some ideas together. Not sure how much to run of each compound either. Thanks for any help! Much appreciated!

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bump for some helpful input

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i personally dont care for eq and its only effective for myself in the higher dose ranges, what are your current stats and what do you really want to gain from this bad boy and i will see what i can come up with

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well im currently 5'11" 225lbs 14% bf just looking to continue gaining lean mass, im a little hesitant to ever go back to the long esther tests just cos my face got puffy and i retained quite a bit of water, and even though i felt bigger i realize it wasnt a GOOD kind of bigger ha so Id be stoked to stay with prop or sust, or any other suggestions you have. Just sort of looking for another good cycle. Tren D doesnt seem to be doing much for me as far as INCREDIBLE strength gains like you typically hear about Tren. However i have heard that the different blends effect everyone differently so i was thinking of maybe trying Tren A next go around? outside of that id be up for anything you got. Thanks for your help!

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hmmm here are a few good ones using short esters
nan phenyl 150mgs EOD
test prop 200mgs EOD
drol or dbol 50mgs ED,
thats awesome for mass and strength
tren ace 75-100mgEOD
winni,dbol or tbol (any would suffice)
prop/test susp combo, say 100-200mgs of prop EOD 50mgs of susp ED 1 hour or so prior to workout
some good longer ester ones
deca 400-600mgs pick the dose best for you EW
any test at around 500-750mgs EW
drol first 4 weeks and last 4 weeks
another for leaner mass
eq 400-800mgs again you pick the dose your most comfortable with
tren eth 400mgs a week
var or winni run however you like and maybe add some igf off and on
for the bloat run adex daily or another anti e and look into visions use on hcg for post and while on cycle...just some ideas, we can tweak them or come up with others, these just came off the top of my head

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awesome that sounds pretty sweet, lots of good ideas in there! Ill have to think of what combo to give a shot to and then hit you up for some dosing ideas. I think i may not bet getting everything out of my cycles because the last couple i have run for about 12 weeks then 2 weeks off then pct and then waited a month and then done another 12 weeker, so i think i need to stay off for a while let my receptors relax and then hit it with another think that could be a reason i have not been getting much out of them?
also i have never tried Deca, i think mostly cos of the bloat, but i hear its some pretty amazing stuff, that and winni...havent tried that out yet either.

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Posted by: Wheat
awesome that sounds pretty sweet, lots of good ideas in there! Ill have to think of what combo to give a shot to and then hit you up for some dosing ideas.I think i may not bet getting everything out of my cycles because the last couple i have run for about 12 weeks then 2 weeks off then pct and then waited a month and then done another 12 weeker, so i think i need to stay off for a while let my receptors relax and then hit it with another think that could be a reason i have not been getting much out of them?
also i have never tried Deca, i think mostly cos of the bloat, but i hear its some pretty amazing stuff, that and winni...havent tried that out yet either.

i would take some more time off, it could also have to do with diet, have you been increasing cals as you go up in weight you plan on competeing or just a dude who loves being big? the reason i ask is there are different ways we can approach your quest for size then..deca does cause bloat but again that can be reduced with a proper AI, i like the bloat because i have had some joint injuries and the extra fluid helps relieve the pain when i am lifting heavy, but to each his own..

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this cycle i have really TRIED to increase cals im not sure if its the tren or prop or just me, but i have had NO appetite this cycle so im going to make myself eat even more because I think thats one big prob this cycle. I guess im just a little disappointed in the Tren D because i heard SO many good things about Tren, but i realize now that most of the time when people are talking about tren they are talking about Tren A so I want to try that next cycle. I mostly just like being big, not for competition but it helps a lot when i play baseball and so i love that aspect of it. I could try some long esthers and take .5 adex a day I just didnt wanna look like a chubby face haha If i were to try winni, do you suggest oral or inject? and is it good with Tren A?
Thanks a ton for your help, I really appreciate you working with me on this!

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yeah the proper AI will help with the bloat so no worries just experiment a little..winni works wonderfully with tren ace i really like that combo with test...i would just go with tabs, winni shots can hurt and i never really saw to much of a difference between the two, there both 17aa no matter how you look at it..
on a side note with the cals, if you are finding you just cant eat more try and get them in in the form of shakes, whole food is always the best but for many (myself included) just cant eat 1000s of cals ED so i get myself a good form of protein and maybe use a good MRP shake or even stuff like waxymaize which is a complex carb in liquid form and drink those throughout the day, try that and see if it helps

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that sounds like a pretty good plan, i may have to go with the shakes and add those in, i just dont have the appetite right now to get in tons of food, but Ill really try to up it and get the most out of my last 6 weeks on this cycle. If i were to try a Tren A/Winni cycle what kind of test should i use, prop again? also what kind of doses and for how long? Can i still gain good mass on that kind of cycle, or is it mostly strength?
