5 weeks cycle of pr...
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5 weeks cycle of prop and halo, no need for HCG?

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5 on 5 off and repeat. would nolva be enough? low dose of both for endurance. like 160mg of prop ew and 10mg of hale ed

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I'm no expert but everything I've read on this Board and elsewhere tells me that Halo shuts you down hard and the recommendation is to be on it no longer than 3 weeks.

I would assume then that if you went 5 weeks on it that PCT should be a major effort.

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actually I meant to say the halo will be used for 3 weeks tops at 10 mg ed according to my bro who will use this cycle

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I think u would be fine on that even 5 weeks...but blood test would be required if u go over 3 imo. But Iwould proabbly just take a chance lol

WHat kinda nolva pct? if its a decent pct at least 4 qweeks u should have no prob...

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well he's doing shrt cycles of 5 weeks on and 5 weeks off of prop and 3 out of the 5 weeks on will use halo . he's going to have to use nolva for 4 weeks straight each time r only 2 weeks is all he needs?

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well llok this is all debateable. It's tricky, cos he's using low dose of everything

some guys will say he's shutdown and thats tht...i believe he'll be less shutdown on that than if u were to triple the doseages.

But I do think 5 on 5 off is a bit too short time off, esp with halo int he mix even at low dose.

If he wants to run tht I can really only advise blood tests each time b4 he goes on again.

it would of course benefit all of us to see tht...

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so he should do 5 on 7 off and repeat? 5 weeks will only be prop and 3 out of the 5 Halo will be used at 10mg ed this is for endurance and stamina improvement

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yeh he could get away with that, prob 3-4 cycles but guessing here. its likely his hpta will progressively get weaker.

some ppl wont have any weakening...others will be messed after 1 or 2 cycles...thts why blood tests are the ultimate i guess...

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he might just use HCG for pct to play it safe. how long is HCG good for after mixing with water and refridgerated?

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I,ve used Hcg 5 weeks after mixing and it worked (kept in fridge) i think it gradually loses it potency. Hey Zircon have u used Halo for speed /endurance and if so how was it ? Tx M/track

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nope haven't tried halo...woudl love to...as I think for shrot cycles and moderate doses it's actually quite a decent drug.

It's there guys who run 30mg fro 6 weeks that get fukked up.

I rekcon 20mg 3 weeks should work well and I'd like to try it with prop sometime - I'll keep you up to date.

My main concern is the acne from it, as Tren Afefcted me badly, and halo being androgenic is a concern.

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I have lots of experience with Halo. I used it with cypionate when circuit fighting in asia for the agression. Medically used for micropenis in adolecents (sorry, won't do anything for your log unless your under 16 yo) also Mike Tyson's drug of choice. If these are the aas at your disposal, I would stick with what you are doing. pct is always a good idea even at low doses, but I wouldn't be overly concerned at the dose you are on. Also, there are better cycles for endurance if you have the choice: tren, mesteron, EQ, winV. The prop works great. hope this helps.

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prop is def a choice and halo at 10mg ed winny woudl suck b/c it gives you too many bad sides unless they had furazabol that would be great

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10mg a day halo = bad sides? is that your experience?? odd..

oh oops just saw you wrote winny..a.nd halo? not sure what you mean overal here?

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my bad I meant halo and prop would be great but winny has too many sides
