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5-Weeker - TREN

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Want to squeeze a short little cycle in before taking a break until February

100mg on Sunday/Wednesday of BD Tren Depot run WITHOUT test so there's no aromatization and competing estrogen, enhancing the fat-burning effects

250iu HCG Sunday/Wednesday to keep the boys from shutting off

20mg nolva ED to counteract the estrogen from the HCG

sound solid or stupid?

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id split up the doses abit more even tho its long acting. be careful of prolactin from the tren, its an experiment that iwoudlnt do but im interested to see how it goes.

*Disclaimer*: "DoubleWide" is a fictitious character with the sole purpose to entertain & theorize on the use of Anabolic Steroids for intellectual discussion. Any information or advice given out, stated, or implied by "DoubleWIde" is for entertainment purposes only & should not be considered the advocation of any illegal activity.

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If this is an experiment... ok.... but I would reccommend a low TRT dose of Test... Thats how I do it... 150mg Test ew with the Tren And dostinex...

I would definately have Dostinex and Test available... Dostinex for prolactin gyno and shutdown... Test just incase you start feeling too bad... like depression and fatigue...


Wanting to avoid negative sides?

Thinking of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, called TRT? ...

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Eating Machine
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I personally don't like tren without test and havent heard of many that do.

tren depot works much better if you inject M/W/F. If I go twice per week I get more mood swing action.

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OK, maybe I am a nut case, but I like to do my tren daily. Keeps my levels better and you gotta love those daily sessions with the needle. Muhahahaha.

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I prefer daily Tren shots as well. I would also at least do a low dose of Test. Tren will shut you down and it could make it tougher to drop fat.

Forecast for tomorrow- A few sprinkles of genius with a chance of DOOM!- Stewey Griffin

Eating Machine
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Most BD stuff does not hurt from my experience no matter how many times a week you inject. But anyone who like daily injects, like ratchet, is a freak! With Tren Ace I do go every day too, however, 3 times works well for me using the depot. As far as not using test with tren, I find I am depressed when I do that and not nearly as aggressive and I don't know if the hcg alone will compensate for it. There is only one way to find out. Give it a try.

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Tren shots don't hurt and it's such a small amount...

I find eod shots work great with Tren Depot... Less shots = More sides

If you get prolactin gyno like I do... this experiment will be over quickly without dostinex... If you think shots hurt wait until your nipples are hard and lactating... but hey you might get lucky and not get it...

On a side note... years ago I did deca without test... yep started getting deca dick after a few weeks and nipples started to get a little hard... but I got very good size from the little bit I took and I started getting lean... And in the recent past I did 600mgTest/Deca and I had a hard time keeping the fat off... So I have learned what works for my body... Low Test + something else and usually non aromatizing Tren

Hope it works out for you...


Wanting to avoid negative sides?

Thinking of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, called TRT? ...

You've come to the right place for that type of questions...


Asking me where to buy or anything about purchasing steroids will first get you a warning then banning if that type of questioning continues... No exceptions! Don't even joke about it!

El Hefe
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Posted by: cretinx
I was told that tren is so anabolic in the absence of aromatising testosterone it is a VERY potent fat burner

I'm not worried about getting shut down - I actually like it, but another thing is I'm injecting HCG twice a week to prevent the shutdown - that stuff is magical.

Isn't it brutal to inject daily?I mean . . . . I hear it hurts terrible and you get sore, hinders workouts - is that wrong?

Who the hell likes to get shut down? that means your estrogen levels are high you cant get it up and you get depressed, on top of all that you have
the amazing negative side effects of tren. Hcg will not keep you from shutting down palin and simple it will also spike the shit out of your estrogen levels after each shot too. your looking for issues with this. It sounds like you think your going to burn alot of fat on this and simply your not. Just like aby other steroid its just an aid to proper diet, proper training and the whole bb
lifestyle, I have done just about anything and everything to loose bf as I gain it like crazy on and off cycle including dnp and trust me none of it is a majic pill, 3 weeks of dnp and my total weight loss was 8lbs thats nothng amazing
trust me tren isnt going to rip you up by itself, tren alone will most likely cause more issues. Another thing is 5 weeks of tren enth? it wont start to kick in until week 3 ro 4 if your lucky since the enth ester takes longer to
build up in your system. Maybe you could do it with ace and every day injects, but its still dangerous and a waste in my opnion.

